Prof. Veena Dubal's Objection on behalf of Uber Drivers featured in LA Times

Excerpt from the Los Angeles Times, May 27, 2016

When lawyer Veena Dubal heard last month that Uber drivers seeking to be recognized as employees rather than independent contractors might settle their class-action lawsuit before it went to trial, she cried.

Dubal, an associate professor at the UC Law SF College of Law where she researches employment matters and worker classification, isn’t involved in the lawsuit. She’s not an Uber driver. She would have no financial gain either way. But as someone who has advocated for workers who have been misclassified, the proposed Uber settlement hit a nerve.

About Professor Dubal

Professor Veena Dubal’s research focuses on the intersection of law and social change in the work context. Within this broad frame, she uses empirical methodologies to study (1) the meaning of law in the lives of precarious workers, (2) the role of public interest lawyering in social change movements, and (3) the normative social influences of the law for work, race, and family.