“In this case, while people are understandably questioning what happened, it’s what we would call harmless error, because it did not affect the result of the case,” said Professor David Levine for ABC7News while discussing the Judge’s decision not to allow the jury to handle the gun in the Steinle case.
— Professor Levine was interviewed by the Associated Press and explains that by the Supreme Court allowing the travel ban to take effect just days before the appeals court arguments, the justices were signaling their view on the matter.
— Professor Levine was on the Australian radio show PM to discuss the US Supreme Court and allowing Trump’s travel ban to take effect.
— Professor Levine appeared on ABC7News to discuss the case of the infamous Ghost Ship warehouse fire.
— Professor Levine contributed commentary to the San Francisco Chronicle in an article on the retirement of Ninth Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski amidst allegations of sexual misconduct.

Professor Jodi Short, who was a junior attorney on a team that represented Jeffery Wigand (the biochemist and whistleblower who exposed the tobacco industry practice of adding ammonia to cigarette to enhance the effect of nicotine), says “NDAs have long been used to silence the messenger,” in an article for Wired on how to pierce the secrecy around sexual harassment cases.

Listen to Professor Rory Little (@RoryLittle) discuss the verdict in the Kate Steinle case and the continued debate over sanctuary cities on NPR.
— “You don’t want to give the President the opportunity to fire you while you are trying to do your job,” said Professor Little in an article for CNN on why the FBI’s new director, Christopher Wray, has not stepped up to publicly defend the President’s attacks on the agency.
— “You can bet that, suddenly, Sessions is asking, ‘Who’s our U.S. attorney in Nevada? And somebody says, ‘Well, we don’t have one.’ And they put it on a fast-track,'” noted Professor Little in an article for the Associated Press on the Cliven Bundy mistrial and the fact that Nevada has been without a top federal prosecutor since March.
— NPR quoted a tweet from Professor Little in their article on key vacancies at the Justice Department not being a recipe for good government.

A federal district judge in the case of Intellectual Ventures v. Capital One extensively cited Professor Robin Feldman’s piece Giants Among Us, including four full paragraphs from the article.
— “The judge’s clear and vibrant language, describing patent trolling, sets the stage for future litigants to press their case at the Federal Circuit or the Supreme Court,” said Professor Feldman (@RobinCFeldman) in an article for The National Law Journal on Intellectual Ventures’ victory in its antitrust war with Capital One in the federal district court.
— Professor Feldman appeared live for a KALW radio interview on the show City Visions to discuss pharmaceutical pricing.
— In an article for Bloomberg, Professor Feldman discusses some of the loopholes drug companies use to keep prices high, including filing new patents medicines already on the market to extend their exclusivity.
— Professor Feldman’s book “Drug Wars: How Big Pharma Raises Prices and Keeps Generics off the Market” was ranked by STAT as one of the 10 great health and science books from 2017.

Professor Michael Salerno spoke on State Legislatures in the United States at the EUPADRA conference in Rome, Italy.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the jury and President saw two different cases in the Kate Steinle murder trial and Professor Hadar Aviram (@aviramh) called the verdict a triumph because a “jury doesn’t convict people when there’s reasonable doubt. That’s what happened here.”
— “That would mean that if the police were corrupt, you could never investigate the chief of police,” said Professor Aviram in an article for the San Francisco Chronicle on Trump’s lawyer’s suggestion that the President can’t obstruct justice.

Will Trump face a reckoning in the defamation suit brought by female accuser? Trump’s attorneys are arguing that Clinton v. Jones, which applies to federal litigation, does not apply in state courts and “that is where [Trump’s attorneys] are putting their linchpin,” suggests Professor John L. Diamond in an article for The Washington Post.

“I would bet on this having a good chance of ultimately getting through with some kind of remedies attached to it,” said Professor Tim Greaney when interviewed by Politico on the proposed $69 billion merger between pharmacy giant CVS and health insurer Aetna.

“The era of demonizing women through ‘slut-shaming’ may be over,” noted Professor Joan C. Williams (@joancwilliams) in an article for ABC7News on the Bay Area being represented by two women on Time cover for ‘Person of the Year.’
— Are the “Blue Coasts” still mocking the flyover states — and helping empower Trump in the process? Professor Williams discusses elitism in America on a radio show panel for KCRW.
— Professor Williams co-authored an article for the Harvard Business Review on stable-scheduling.

“If making a cake for a wedding constitutes free expression, does making the flower arrangement,” asks Professor Matthew Coles in a television interview with ABC7News noting that Supreme Court justices will have to decide where to draw the line when deciding the same sex wedding cake case.

Professor Naomi Roht-Arriaza was selected as one of the “amicus curiae” for the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, set up as part of the recent peace accords in Colombia. Professor Roht-Arriaza will be advising the Chambers of the Jurisdiction with non-binding opinions on international law, international human rights, and transitional justice issues.

“This is a dangerous job. Your workers are likely to be injured and if they are injured, you need to be carrying workers’ compensation insurance,” said Professor Veena Dubal (@veenadubal) when asked for comment on the State’s recent decision to order Tehama Transport, whose firefighter employee died while battling a wildfire, to stop working after it was revealed the company did not have workers’ compensation insurance.

Professor George Bisharat appeared on the eFM radio show “This Morning” to discuss Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Distinguished Professor Frank H. Wu (@frankhwu) spoke at Peking University School of Transnational Law in Shenzhen, China on the Chinese American Experience from the Railroad Workers to Committee of 100.
— Professor Wu was featured at an event in San Diego to discuss Asian Americans and the Future of Civil Rights.

Associate Dean Jeffrey Lefstin and other leading experts conclude current state of patent eligibility jurisprudence “Indefensible.”

Professor Eumi Lee was interviewed on the ineffectiveness of mugshot laws in an article for the Pew Charitable Trusts.
— Professor Lee’s research on mugshots can be read in more depth in the forthcoming Rutgers University Law Review article entitled “Monetizing Shame: Mugshots, Privacy, and the Right to Access.”

Forbes highlights some of the secrets in the pending tax bill as articulated in a 35 page scholarly paper, co-authored by Professor Manoj Viswanathan, entitled “The Games They Will Play: Tax Games, Roadblocks, and Glitches Under the New Legislation.”

“Whether you’re talking about a CEO or a Hollywood producer, the ability to remove is different for judges, with some good reasons for it. But the reality is, judges shouldn’t get a pass just because they’re a judge, any more than a senator or a president or a famous news reporter should,” said Professor Richard Zitrin in an article for Law360 on the misconduct allegations against Ninth Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski.

Listen to Professor Emily Murphy on Slate’s Amicus discussing #MeToo in the courts.
— Professor Murphy was also interviewed by NPR to discuss her personal experience of sexual harassment by Ninth Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski, who has retired amidst multiple allegations of such conduct from at least 15 women.

Professor Chimène Keitner (@KeitnerLaw) discusses Professor Naomi Roht-Arriaza’s forthcoming book chapter on “Measures of Non-Repetition in Transitional Justice: The Missing Link?” for the Scholarship Blog.

Chancellor & Dean David Faigman and Professor Keith Hand set across Asia to help expand the college’s global presence. This included a trip to the China University of Political Science and Law to sign a new Memorandum of Understanding with Dean Jiao Hongchang to collaborate on research, scholarly exchange, and LLM students.

Was the Federal government required to give public lands away to the states at statehood? Professor John Leshy comments for Daily Kos.

“There are plenty of other flawed provisions in the tax code that create opportunities for abuse,” says Emeritus Professor Bill Hutton in an article for ProPublica on the billion-dollar loophole in the tax code.

Professor Richard Boswell comments on Professor Karen Musalo and Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) co-Legal Director Eunice Lee’s examination of refugee policy and regional conditions in the Obama era for the Scholarship Blog.

Professor Kate Bloch spoke at the International Conference on the Independence of Justice in the Ivory Coast.

“Important law is being made, sometimes in close cases, with the pro tem participation of judges who are not Supreme Court justices,” said Professor Joseph Grodin in an article for the San Francisco Chronicle on California Supreme Court vacancies.

“Human rights litigation brings attention to health campaigns and supports local and global movements and coalitions to improve women’s health,” said Professor Jessica Dunn in an article for the UC’s Global Health Institute.

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— Supervisor Jane Kim engaged the community to support the 70 Tenderloin residents temporarily displaced from their homes by a fire.

— “Woman Lawyer: The Trials of Clara Foltz” was the book of the month for December at the San Francisco Law Library.

— Charmaine’s, the rooftop cocktail lounge atop the Proper Hotel is open.


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— Diablo Custom Publishing was honored with a 2017 Silver Pearl Award for its work with UC Law SF on the Fall 2017 Magazine.

— LEOP welcomes a new director, Elizabeth McGriff ‘96 coming full circle from being a proud LEOP alumna.

— An article for Corporate Counsel recognizes that more millennials are moving in-house and Jessica Ourk, UC Law SF Director for Employer Relations, confirms that she’s seen the number of students going directly in-house rise over the past six years, including Samantha Von Hoene ’15, who is the head of legal affairs at Enjoy Technology Inc.

— Issue 2 of Volume 45 of the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly, The Free Speech Issue, is now available.

— 3L Samantha Ricci has edged out hundreds of applicants to receive the coveted Attorney General’s Honors Program position at the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.

— Islam Channel TV’s #LivingtheLife talked to Stand Up Comedian 3L Sid Singh about his performances in Leicester Square Theatre.

— Nancy Pelosi has another challenger for her seat: 2L Ryan Khojasteh.

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— Janine Yancey ’92, published an article for Techburst on the cure for sexual harassment.

— The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles announced that Natella Royzman ’06 has joined its Development Department professional team as Director of Charitable Gift Planning.

— Two generations of UC Law SF graduates unite as Katelyn Phillips ’16 formed the trusts and estates law firm of Phillips & Phillips, in Pleasanton with her father, James J. Phillips ’80.

— Samantha Von Hoene ’15, who three years ago turned down a clerking position at a law firm to intern in-house at a finance firm, was interviewed by Above The Law about why tech startups, not law firms, are attracting many law grads.

— Follow Debra Bogaards ‘81 as she discovers of a deep connection to the land of Israel… from a bicycle seat, in an article for The Jewish News of Northern California.

— Nicholas Baran ‘04 co-authored a book about famous economists Paul A. Baran (his father) and Paul M. Sweezy entitled “The Age of Monopoly Capital.”

— Prominent appellate attorney Jay-Allen Eisen ’68 is now working as Outside Counsel with Downey Brand LLP.

— Sarina Saluja ’07 has been promoted to partner in the Los Angeles office of employment law firm Fisher & Phillips LLP.

— Joel Buckingham ’05 was hired by Humboldt County District Attorney Maggie Fleming as a Deputy District Attorney assigned to general felonies and homicides.

— Helga Turku ‘12 was interviewed about her book “The Destruction of Cultural Property as a Weapon of War.”

— Sophia Castillo ‘05 and Arielle Harris ’08 have been elevated from Counsel to Partner at Downey Brand LLP.

— Framroze “Fram” Virjee ‘85 has been selected as president of California State University-Fullerton through June 2019.

— Adelmise Warner ’01 talks leadership, transparency, and a music empire’s goals for diversity in an interview with the Career Contessa.

— Eric Casher ’06 was elevated to Principal at the firm of Meyers Nave Riback Silver & Wilson, PLC.

— Faiz Ahmed ‘06, Assistant Professor of History at Brown University, launched his first book entitled “Afghanistan Rising: Islamic Law and Statecraft between the Ottoman and British Empires.”

— According to The Mercury News, Alysa Liu, the 12-year old daughter of Arthur Liu ‘98, might be figure skating’s next big thing.

— Teri H.P. Nguyen ‘09 was welcomed as a Principal in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco offices of Polsinelli LLP.

— Fabio Marino ‘96 was named as a managing partner of the Silicon Valley office of Polsinelli LLP.

— Governor Jerry Brown appointed Joel S. Agron ’94 (San Bernardino County Superior Court) and Richard C. Darwin ’92 (San Francisco County Superior Court) for judgeships.

— Maxwell Pritt ‘07 was named Partner at Boies Schiller Flexner LLP.

— Dr. John Mendlein ‘93 joined Moderna Therapeutics as President of Corporate and Product Strategy.

The UC Law SF community extends its heartfelt condolences to the families of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, Jeanette Acosta ’16, former Professor Richard Barnes, Robert Aisthorpe ’62, former Professor Jack Bonanno, JoAnne Fabian ’74, Richard D. Givens ’65, Mark W. Hendrix 12, Julian Hultgren ’59, Barbara Murphy Lange ’94, James Michael McGowan ’70, Sandra Stern ’88, and Andre Tolpegin ‘58.

— “Mayor Ed Lee epitomized what was righteous and good in a public servant,” said former Supervisor Carol Ruth Silver.

— Jeanette Acosta ’16 dedicated her life to making the world a more just and inclusive place. She was a Tony Patino Fellow and delivered the 2016 Commencement Speech as the student representative.

— Richard Barnes taught advocacy at UC Law SF and UCSF, and was a volunteer lobbyist for American Lung Association. He was appointed by Governor Brown to the State of California Tobacco Education and Research Oversight Committee where he helped guide the California Tobacco Control Program, including defending it from sometimes overly cautious lawyers in the California Department of Public Health.

— Robert Aisthorpe ‘62 practiced law in Chico, California after marrying his high school sweetheart.

— Jack Bonanno dedicated most of his professional career to educating future lawyers, beginning with teaching at the Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School in Charlottesville, Virginia, and, upon return to San Francisco, teaching at the University of San Francisco, UC Law SF, and Golden Gate University.

— JoAnne Fabian ‘74 was part of the prestigious UC Law SF Journal and dedicated her career as both a lawyer and executive to supporting financial institutions and non-profits, including Planned Parenthood.

— Richard D. Givens ‘65 had a legal career spanning 50 years and co-founded Menlo Park’s Tour de Menlo charity bike ride.

— Mark W. Hendrix ‘12 was a writer, political activist, and exhibiting visual artist in Los Angeles and for the last 23 years in the Bay area.

— Julian “Stretch” Hultgren ’59 was an attorney in San Francisco and retired in 1992 from the City Attorney’s office where he was a Deputy City Attorney specializing in real property issues.

— Barbara Murphy Lange ’94 spent the first twenty years of her professional life in business, and after graduating from law school, worked for the firms of Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro and Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe in San Francisco, CA.

— James Michael McGowan ‘70 worked as a Deputy District Attorney for Fresno County and later fashioned a career leading seminars on investments and his favorite topic (gold and silver as money) under the persona “”Financial Foghorn.”

— Sandra “Sam” Stern ‘88 prosecuted white collar crime and tax fraud as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, honored by Janet Reno.

— Andre Tolpegin ‘58 was honored as one of “San Francisco’s Top Ten Lawyers” in 1989. Any given weekend you could spot Andre biking through the hills of the Presidio and the Marin Headlands.
