Materials for Health Care Segregation: Exposing Modern Day Jim Crow

Please find links to presentations below.

This day-long symposium will bring together lawyers, historians, clinicians, social scientists, community members, and policymakers to expose modern day health care segregation and begin to build partnerships to dismantle segregated health care. 




9-9:30 Check in and breakfast


9:30-9:55 Opening remarks

Jennifer Dunn, JD and Jen James, PhD


10-11:10 Session 1: Segregated Care Across the Life Course

Jen James, PhD- Moderator, Associate Professor, Institute for Health & Aging, UCSF

Kim Rhoads, MD, MS, MPH- Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Affiliate Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies Associate Director Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center UCSF School of Medicine Founder, Umoja Health Bay Area

Usha Lee McFarling- National Science Correspondent, STAT 


11:10-11:20 Break


11:20-12:30 Session 2: Reproductive Injustice: Exposing Structural Racism in Reproductive Health Care

Jennifer Dunn, JD- Moderator, Assistant Professor, Family Health Care Nursing

Rachel Wilkinson, MD- Resident Physician, Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital

Kavita Vinekar, MD, MPH- Assistant Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Thomas Jefferson University

Lorena Garcia Zermeño- Director of Programs, California Latinas for Reproductive Justice


12:30-1:30 Lunch


1:35-2:15 Philip R. Lee Keynote

Introduction by Sarah Garrett, Assistant Professor, Institute for Health Policy Studies, UCSF

Ruqaiijah Yearby, JD, MPH, Kara J Trott Professor in Health Law, Moritz College of Law


2:15-3:20 Session 3: Dismantling Segregated Health Care and Eliminating Health Inequities

Ruqaiijah Yearby, JD, MPH- Moderator

Dennis Hsieh, JD, MD- Chief Medical Officer, Central California Alliance for Health

Marshall Chin, MD, MPH- Richard Parrillo Family Distinguished Service Professor of Healthcare Ethics, University of Chicago

Aditi Garikipati- Greensboro Health Disparities Collaborative

Christina Yongue, MPH- Associate Professor, UNC Greensboro and Membership Chair of Greensboro Health Disparities Collaborative


3:20-3:30 Break


3:30-4:10 Break Out Sessions Moderated by Planning Committee and Volunteers


4:10-5:20 Session 4: Integration Stories: Insurance-Blinded Care in Academic Medical Centers

Kavita Vinekar, MD, MPH- Moderator

Kavita Shah Arora, MD, MBE, MS- Associate Professor with Tenure, Division Director – General Obstetrics/Gynecology/Midwifery, UNC – Chapel Hill

Cat Cansino, MD, MPH- Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UC Davis

Arina Chesnokova, MD, MPH- National Clinician Scholar, OBGYN Attending Physician, University of Pennsylvania


5:20 Closing Remarks

Kavita Vinekar, MD, MPH


5:30 Reception




The Peril and Promise of Medi-Cal

Stories of Integration

Reproductive Injustice

The Greensboro Health Disparity Collaborative Approach to Increasing Racial Health Equity

Health Justice: Addressing Modern Day Health Care Segregation

Separate But Equal: Segregated Health Centers in NYC Academic Medical Centers

The Impact of Segregation in Cancer Care

The Roadmap to Advance Health Equity