CEALS Affiliated Scholar Sally Harpole Visits Japan for ADR Presentation
International arbitrator and mediator Sally Harpole presented at a two-day conference on “Alternative Dispute Resolution: Disseminating International Mediation in Asia and the Pacific Region” held in Tokyo in February. The conference was organized by the Asia Development Bank and supported by UNCITRAL and Japan’s Ministry of Justice. Her presentation followed a trip to Tokyo in November, when she spoke on arbitration issues at conferences organized by the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association and the Inter-Pacific Bar Association. Ms. Harpole notes that Japan is the first G7 country to have ratified the UN Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (also known as the “Singapore Convention on Mediation”), and that the Ministry of Justice is promoting international mediation in Japan.
In mid-March, Ms. Harpole will speak on arbitration issues for the California International Arbitration Week in Los Angeles. Among other panels at this conference, the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association has organized a discussion titled “Behind the Scenes: The Reality of Navigating Disputes of the Fantasy World of the Japanese Gaming and Entertainment Industry.”