Blog Post
Stock Options of Adhesion, Oxford Bus. L. Blog (Oct. 22, 2024),
Journal Articles
Psychic Income & Democratized Investing, 22 Colo. Tech. L.J. 203 (2024).
The Hard Lessons of Democratized Investing: A Reply to Gramitto Ricci and Sautter, 84 Ohio St. L.J. Online 54 (2023).
Regulating Democratized Investing, 83 Ohio St. L.J. 671 (2022).
Link, SSRN
Time Enough for Counting: A Unicorn Retrospective, Yale J. Reg. Bull. (2021).
Comment on Griffith Deal Insurance: The Continuing Scramble Among Professionals, 104 Minn. L. Rev. Headnotes 75 (2020).
Link, SSRN
Does Trados Matter?, 45 J. Corp. L. 311 (2020).
Link, SSRN
When Does Big Law Work?, 102 Marq. L. Rev. 876 (2019).
Link, SSRN
Opportunity-Cost Conflicts in Corporate Law, 66 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 51 (2016).
Link, SSRN
Fool’s Gold? Equity Compensation & the Mature Startup, 11 Va. L. & Bus. Rev. 613 (2016).
Institutionalized Disruption: The Rise of the Reformer Startup, 12 Hastings Bus. L.J. 1 (2015).
Link, SSRN
Mad Money: Rethinking Private Placements, 71 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 2253 (2014).
Startup Lawyers at the Outskirts, 50 Willamette L. Rev. 163 (2014).
Incubator Cities: Tomorrow’s Economy, Yesterday’s Financial Contracts, 1 Mich. J. Private Equity & Venture Cap. L. 195 (2013).
Fending for Themselves: Why Securities Regulations Should Encourage Angel Groups, 13 U. Pa. J. Bus. L. 107 (2010).
Link, SSRN
Tenth Circuit Holds That City May Deny Opportunity to Deliver Proselytizing Legislative Prayers, 112 Harv. L. Rev. 2025 (1999).
The Unicorn Initiative: Exits (2022) (with Adrienna Huffman, Shuyi Deng & Monet Lee) (joint research project between CBL and the Brattle Group).