John Crawford - Bibliography


  • Journal Articles

  • Response: Radicalism and Democracy in Monetary System Reform, 75 Vand. L. Rev. En Banc 55 (2022). Link, SSRN
  • FedAccounts: Digital Dollars, 89 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 113 (2020) (with Morgan Ricks & Lev Menand). Link
  • Safe Money, 104 Marq. L. Rev. 412 (2020). Link, SSRN
  • Making Money Safe, 95 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 1 (2019). Link, SSRN
  • Resolution Triggers for Systemically Important Financial Institutions, 97 Neb. L. Rev. 65 (2018). Link, SSRN
  • The Noneconomic Costs of Financial Crises, 70 Vand. L. Rev. En Banc 261 (2017). Link, SSRN
  • A Better Way to Revive Glass Steagall, 70 Stan. L. Rev. Online 1 (2017). Link, SSRN
  • Credible Losers: A Regulatory Design for Prudential Market Discipline, 54 Am. Bus. L.J. 107 (2017). Link, SSRN
  • Lesson Unlearned?: Regulatory Reform and Financial Stability in the Trump Administration, 117 Colum. L. Rev. Online 127 (2017). Link, SSRN
  • Shining a Light on Shadow Money, 69 Vand. L. Rev. En Banc 185 (2016). Link, SSRN
  • The Swaps Pushout Rule: Much Ado about the Wrong Thing?, 6 Harv. Bus. L. Rev. Online 19 (2015). Link, SSRN
  • The Moral Hazard Paradox of Financial Safety Nets, 26 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 95 (2015). Link, SSRN
  • Wargaming Financial Crises: The Problem of (In)Experience and Regulator Expertise, 34 Rev. Banking & Fin. L. 111 (2015). Link, SSRN
  • ‘Single Point of Entry’: The Promise and Limits of the Latest Cure for Bailouts, 109 Nw. U. L. Rev. Online 103 (2014). SSRN
  • Predicting Failure, 7 Va. L. & Bus. Rev. 171 (2012).
  • CDO Ratings and Systemic Instability: Causes and Cure, 7 N.Y.U. J. L. & Bus. 1 (2010 . Link
  • Hitting the Sweet Spot by Accident: How Recent Lower Court Cases Help Realign Incentives in the Credit Rating Industry, 42 CONNtemplations 13 (2009). Link
  • Book Reviews

  • Capital Accounts: Bank Capital, Crises, and the Determinants of an Optimal Regulatory Approach, 66 Hastings L.J. 1162 ( 2015) (reviewing ANAT ADMATI & MARTIN HELLWIG, THE BANKERS’ NEW CLOTHES: WHAT’S WRONG WITH BANKING AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT (2013); GARY B. GORTON, MISUNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL CRISES: WHY WE DON’T SEE THEM COMING (2012). SSRN
  • Miscellaneous

  • Memorandum on the Asset Management Industry, The Volcker Alliance Working Paper (Nov 2016).