Dorit Rubinstein Reiss - Bibliography


  • Books

  • TORTS: CASES AND MATERIALS  (West Academic 4th ed. 2024) (with John L. Diamond).
  • VACCINE LAW AND POLICY (Springer 2023) (with Y. Tony Yang).
  • VACCINE, VACCINATION, AND IMMUNIZATION LAW (American Health Lawyers Ass’n, 2nd ed. 2022) (with Brian Dean Abramson & Peter O. Safir).
  • Journal Articles

  • Vaccines In The Courts: A COVID-19-Induced Litigation Influx, Health Aff. Forefront (2023) (with Richard Hughes IV).
  • Misinformation and COVID-19, 63 Santa Clara L. Rev. 147 (2023) .
  • Vaccination Mandates: An Old Public Health Tool Faces New Challenges, JAMA (2023) (with Lawrence O. Gostin & Michelle M. Mello).
  • Laws Prohibiting Vaccine Mandates: An Overview, 23 N.C. J.L. & Tech. 788 (2022). Link
  • Commentary: No Right Answer: Officials Need Discretion on Whether to Allow Natural Immunity Exemptions, 48 J. Med. Ethics (2022) .
  • Law in the Service of Misinformation: How Anti-Vaccine Groups Use the Law to Help Spin a False Narrative, 18 NW J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 51 (2022) (with Viridiana Ordonez). Link
  • Employer-Mandated Vaccination for COVID-19, 111 Am. J. Public Health 1061 (2021) (with Mark A. Rothstein & Wendy E. Parmet). Link, SSRN
  • COVID-19 and Regulating Vaccines, 85 Soc. Educ. 129 (2021) . Link
  • Vaccines Mandates and Religion: Where are We Headed with the Current Supreme Court?, 49 J.L. Med. & Ethics 552 (2021) .
  • US State-Level Legal Interventions Related to COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates, 327 JAMA 178 (2021) (with Breanna Fernandes; Mark Christopher Navin; Saad B. Omer & Katie Attwell). Link
  • Employer-Mandated Vaccination for COVID-19, 111 Am. J. Public Health 1061 (2021) (with Mark A. Rothstein & Wendy E. Parmet). Link, SSRN
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for University Students, ___ N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol’y ___ (2021) (with John DiPaolo). SSRN
  • Experimental? It Doesn’t Mean What You Think it Means, Denver L. Rev. Forum (2021) (with Arthur Caplan).
  • How Congress Can Help Raise Vaccine Rates, 96 Notre Dame L. Rev. Online 42 (2021) (with Y. Tony Yang). Link, SSRN
  • COVID-19 Antibody Testing as a Precondition for Employment: Ethical and Legal Considerations, 49 J.L. Med. & Ethics 293 (2021) (with Sara Gerke; Gali Katznelson & Carmel Shachar). Link
  • Promoting COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance: Recommendations from the Lancet Commission on Vaccine Refusal, Acceptance, and Demand in the USA, The Lancet (2021) (with Saad B. Omer et al.).
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Through the Lived Experiences of Health Care Personnel: Policy and Legal Considerations, 5.1 Health Equity (2021) (with Rachel Gur-Arie & Zackary Berger). Link
  • When Are Vaccine Mandates Appropriate?, 22 AMA J. Ethics E36 (2020) (with Carmel Shachar). Link
  • Institutionalizing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Independence, 12 ConLawNOW 107 (2020) . Link, SSRN
  • The COVID-19 Vaccine Dilemma, 6 Admin. L. Rev. Accord 49 (2020) . Link, SSRN
  • More Than a Mask: Stay-At-Home Orders and Religious Freedom, 57 San Diego L. Rev. 947 (2020) (with Madeline Thomas). Link, SSRN
  • Digging the Rabbit Hole, COVID-19 Edition: Anti-Vaccine Themes and the Discourse Around COVID-19, 22 Microbes & Infection 608 (2020) (with Tara C. Smith). Link
  • When Public Participation is Public Theatre: Misuse of Public Comment Opportunities by Anti-Vaccine Activists, 73 Stan. L. Rev. Online (2020) (with Barbara S. Romzek). Link, SSRN
  • Considerations in Mandating a New Covid-19 Vaccine in the USA for Children and Adults, 7 J. L. & Biosci. 1 (2020) (with Arthur J. Caplan). Link
  • Legal and Policy Responses to Vaccine-Preventable Disease Outbreaks, 47 J.L. Med. & Ethics 11 (2019) (with Leila Barraza & Patricia Freeman). Link
  • Decoupling Vaccine Laws, 58 B.C. L. Rev. E. Supp. 9 (2017) . Link, SSRN
  • First Do No Harm: Protecting Patients Through Immunizing Health Care Workers, 26 Health Matrix 363 (2016) (with Rene F. Najera). SSRN
  • Vaccines, Measles and Rights, 2 Wake Forest L. Rev. Common Law 138 (2015) . Link
  • Vaccines, School Mandates, and California’s Right to Education, 63 UCLA L. Rev. Disc. 98 (2015) . Link, SSRN
  • Funding the Costs of Disease Outbreaks Caused by Non Vaccination, 43 J.L. Med. & Ethics 633 (2015) (with Charlotte A Moser & Robert Schwartz). Link, SSRN
  • Herd Immunity and Immunization Policy: The Importance of Accuracy, 94 Or. L. Rev. 1 (2015) . Link, SSRN
  • Responding to the Childhood Vaccination Crisis: Legal Frameworks and Tools in the Context of Parental Vaccine Refusal, 63 Buff. L. Rev. 881 (2015) (with Lois Weithorn). Link, SSRN
  • Compensating the Victims of Failure to Vaccinate: What are the Options?, 23 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 595 (2014) . Link
  • Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of the Lord Thy God in Vain: Use and Abuse of Religious Exemptions from School Immunization Requirements, 65 Hastings L.J. 1551 (2014) . Link
  • The Benefits of Capture, 47 Wake Forest L. Rev. 569 (2012) . Link, SSRN
  • No Innocents Here: Using Litigation to Fight Against the Costs of Universal Service in France, 1 Creighton Int’l & Comp. L.J. 5 (2011). Link, SSRN
  • Account Me In: Agencies in Quest of Accountability, 19 J.L. & Pol’y 611 (2011). Link, SSRN
  • Agency Accountability Strategies After Liberalization: Universal Service in the United Kingdom, France, and Sweden, 31 Law & Pol’y 111 (2009). Link, SSRN
  • Participation in Governance from a Comparative Perspective: Citizen Involvement in Telecommunications and Electricity in the United Kingdom, France and Sweden, 2009 J. Disp. Resol. 381 (2009) . Link, SSRN
  • Tailored Participation: Modernizing the APA Rulemaking Procedures, 12 N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol’y 321 (2009) . Link, SSRN
  • Dorit Reiss & Richard Hughes III, The Ninth Circuit’s Nod to Anti-Vaccine Advocates, __ Ohio St. L.J. __ (forthcoming ___).
  • Chapters in Books

  • Vaccine Law: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for University Students Vaccine Law: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for University Students, in The Judges’ Book vol 7 (UC Law 2023).
  • The Anti-Vaccine Movement: A Litany of Fallacy and Errors, in Pseudoscience: The Conspiracy Against Science 195 (Allison B. Kaufman and James C. Kaufman eds., MIT Press 2018) (with Jonathan Howard).
  • When Children Pay the Price of Freedom of Religion, in Religious Freedom in America: A Reference Book 125 (Michael C. LeMay ed., ABC-CLIO 2018).
  • The Role of Trust in the Regulation of Complex and High-Risk Industries: The Case of the US Federal Aviation Administration’s Voluntary Disclosure Programs; in Trust in Regulatory Regimes 37 (Frédérique Six & Koen Verhoest eds., Edward Elgar 2017) (with Russell W. Mills).
  • Administrative Agencies as Creators of Administrative Law Norms: Evidence from the UK, France and Sweden, in Comparative Administrative Law 373 (Susan Rose-Ackerman & Peter L.Lindseth eds., Edward Elgar 2010).
  • Newspaper & Magazine Articles

  • Facebook and Google are Prolonging the Pandemic, S.F. Chron., Mar. 1 2021.
  • One More Argument Against Vaccine Mandates Crumbles, Barron’s, 11-May 2021 (with Arthur Caplan).
  • Op-Ed: OSHA suspended its vaccine rule after judges got it wrong, L.A. Times, Nov. 18 2021.
  • Opinion: Yes; Biden Has the Power to Require Vaccines or Testing in Private Businesses, Wash. Post, Nov. 9 2021 (with Lawrence O. Gostin).
  • Let Minors Choose Themselves to Vaccinate Against Measles, Seattle Times, Feb. 18 2019 (with David I. Levine).
  • Parents Have No Right to Expose Other Kids, S.F. Daily Journal, Mar. 30 2015.
  • Dismantling the NVICP Is Bad for All of Us, Law.Com and The Recorder, Nov. 22 2013.
  • Dissertation

  • Regulatory Accountability: Telecommunications and Electricity Agencies in the United Kingdom, France and Sweden (Feb. 2008) (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley) (on file with author).
  • Miscellaneous

  • Jury Rejects Malpractice Claim That a Vaccine Caused Child’s Autism, Skeptical Raptor (Mar. 13 2022).
  • Anti-Vaccine Activists Try to Use Liability Insurance Policies for Easy Money, Skeptical Raptor (May 2022).
  • Judge Vacates CDC Mask Mandate in a Problematic Decision, Skeptical Raptor (Apr. 25 2022).
  • Vaccine Consent for Minors – Federal Judge Puts DC Law on Hold, Skeptical Raptor (Mar. 30 2022).
  • Court Stays the Biden OSHA COVID Vaccine Mandate – an Analysis, Skeptical Raptor (Nov. 17 2021).
  • Can Colleges and Universities Require Student Covid-19 Vaccination?, Harvard L. Rev. Blog (Mar. 15 2021) (with I. Glenn Cohen).