Joan Williams - Bibliography


  • Books

  • Joan C. Williams, Bias Interrupted: Creating Inclusion for Real and for Good (2021). Link
  • WHAT WORKS FOR WOMEN AT WORK: A WORKBOOK (New York Univ. Press 2018) (with Rachel Dempsey & Anne-Marie Slaughter).
  • FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES DISCRIMINATION (Bloomberg BNA 2014) (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert & Gary E Phelan).
  • WHAT WORKS FOR WOMEN AT WORK: FOUR PATTERNS WORKING WOMEN NEED TO KNOW (New York Univ. Press 2014) (with Rachel Dempsey & Anne-Marie Slaughter).
  • FLEX SUCCESS: THE LAWYER’S GUIDE TO BALANCED HOURS (CreateSpace Independent Publishing 2011) (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert).
  • FAIR MEASURE: TOWARD EFFECTIVE ATTORNEY EVALUATIONS (American Bar Association, Commission on Women in the Profession 2008) (with Consuela A. Pinto & Jeanne Q. Svikhart).
  • WORKLIFE LAW’S GUIDE TO FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES DISCRIMINATION (Center for WorkLife Law 2005 – 2007) (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert).
  • RETHINKING COMMODIFICATION: CASES AND READINGS IN LAW AND CULTURE (New York Univ. Press 2005) (editor, with Martha M. Ertman).
  • SOLVING THE PART–TIME PUZZLE: THE LAW FIRM’S GUIDE TO BALANCED HOURS (National Association for Law Placement 2004) (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert).
  • PROPERTY: LAND OWNERSHIP AND USE (Aspen Law & Business 4th ed. 1997) (with Curtis J. Berger).
  • THE RHETORIC OF PROPERTY (Faculty of Law; Univ. of Toronto 1995).
  • Journal Articles

  • Doing Well by Doing Good: Improving Retail Store Performance with Responsible Scheduling Practices at the Gap, Inc., 68 Mgmt. Sci. 7793 (2022) (with Saravanan Kesavan and Susan Lambert and Pradeep Pendem). SSRN
  • Overcoming Bias in the Workplace, 2022 Leader to Leader 29 (2022) (with Mikayla Boginsky).
  • Childbearing Among Women Cardiologists: The Interface of Experience, Impact, and the Law, 79 J. Am. C. Cardiology 1076 (2022) (with Martha Gulati et al.).
  • Beyond Implicit Bias: Litigating Race and Gender Employment Discrimination Using Data from the Workplace Experiences Survey, 72 Hastings L.J. 337 (2020) (with Rachel M. Koss & Sky Mihaylo). Link
  • The Health Care Provider’s Role in Securing Work Accommodations for Pregnant and Postpartum Patients, 65 J. Midwifery & Women’s Health 474 (2020) (with Juliana Franco and Liz Morris and Jessica Lee).
  • Look How Far We’ve Come (Not), 42 Signs 561 (2017). Link
  • Beyond Work-Life “Integration”, 67 Ann. Rev. Psychol. 515 (2016) (with Jennifer L. Berdahl and Joseph A. Vandello). Link
  • Tools for Change: Boosting the Retention of Women in the STEM Pipeline, 6 J. Res. Gender Stud. 11 (2016) (with Katherine W. Phillips and Erika V. Hall). Link
  • My Obstetrician Got Me Fired: How Work Notes Can Harm Pregnant Patients And What To Do About It, 126 Obstetrics & Gynecology 250 (2015) (with Rebecca A. Jackson and Sigrid Gardner and Leah N. Torres and Megan J. Huchko and Marya G. Zlatnik).
  • A Sip of Cool Water: Pregnancy Accommodation after the ADA Amendments Act, 32 Yale L. & Pol’y Rev. 97 (2015) . Link
  • Disruptive Innovation: New Models of Legal Practice, 67 Hastings L.J. 1 (2015) (with Aaron Platt & Jessica Lee). Link, SSRN
  • Pluralistic Ignorance and the Flexibility Bias: Understanding and Mitigating Flextime and Flexplace Bias at Work, 41 Work & Occupations 40 (2014) (with Christin L. Munsch and Cecilia L. Ridgeway).
  • Double Jeopardy? An Empirical Study with Implications for the Debates over Implicit Bias and Intersectionality, 37 Harv. J.L. & Gender 185 (2014) . Link
  • The End of Men?: Gender Flux in the Face of Precarious Masculinity, 93 B.U. L. Rev. 699 (2013) . Link, SSRN
  • Discrimination Against Mothers Is the Strongest Form of Workplace Gender Discrimination: Lessons from US Caregiver Discrimination Law, 28 Int’l J. Comp. Lab. L. & Indus. Rel. 45 (2012) (with Stephanie Bornstein & Genevieve Painter).
  • Jumpstarting the Stalled Gender Revolution: Justice Ginsburg and Reconstructive Feminism, 63 Hastings L.J. 1267 (2012) . Link
  • The Language of Performance Evaluations: Gender-Based Shifts in Content and Consistency of Judgment, 3 Soc. Psychol. & Personality Sci. 186 (2012) (with Monica Biernat & M. J. Tocci).
  • New Millennium, Same Glass Ceiling? The Impact of Law Firm Compensation Systems on Women, 62 Hastings L.J. 597 (2011) (with Veta Richardson). Link
  • Gender as a Core Value: Teaching Property, 36 Okla. City U. L. Rev. 551 (2011) . Link
  • “Mancession” or “Momcession”?: Good Providers, a Bad Economy, and Gender Discrimination, 86 Chi. Kent. L. Rev. 857 (2011) (with Allison Tait). Link
  • Overeducated Achievatrons Unite!, 34 Seattle U. L. Rev. 845 (2011) . Link
  • Tough Guise, 9 Issues Legal Scholarship Iss. 2 Art. 11 (2011) .
  • Correct Diagnosis; Wrong Cure: A Response To Professor Suk, 110 Colum. L. Rev Sidebar 24 (2010) . Link
  • Reconstructive Feminism: Changing the Way We Talk About Gender and Work Thirty Years After the PDA, 21 Yale J.L. & Feminism 79 (2009) . Link
  • Emerging Discrimination Claims: Family Responsibilities Discrimination, 782 PLI/Lit 505 (2008) (with Consuela Pinto).
  • The Evolution of “FReD”: Family Responsibilities Discrimination and Developments in the Law of Stereotyping and Implicit Bias, 59 Hastings L.J. 1311 (2008) (with Stephanie Bornstein). Link
  • Law Firms as Defendants: Family Responsibilities Discrimination in Legal Workplaces, 34 Pepp. L. Rev. 393 (2007) (with Stephanie Bornstein and Diana Reddy and Betsy Williams). Link
  • Gender Bias in the Law, 27 Cal. Law. 37 (2007) .
  • Family Responsibilities Discrimination: The Next Generation of Employment Discrimination, 763 PLI/Lit 333 (2007) (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert). Link
  • Family Responsibilities Discrimination: Don't Get Caught Off Guard, 22 Lab. Law. 293 (2007) (with Consuela Pinto). Link
  • The Politics of Time in the Legal Profession, 4 U. St. Thomas L.J. 379 (2007) . Link
  • Gender Stereotyping: Expanding the Boundaries of Title VII, 10 Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol’y J. 271 (2006) (with Michelle Travis and Arthur Leonard and Miriam Cherry).
  • Beyond the ‘Chilly Climate’: Eliminating Bias Against Women and Fathers in Academe, 79 Thought & Action 79 (2006) (with Stephanie Bornstein and Tamina Alon).
  • Deconstructing the Maternal Wall: Strategies for Vindicating the Civil Rights of ‘Carers’ in the Workplace, 13 Duke J. Gender L. & Pol’y 31 (2006) (with Elizabeth Westfall). Link
  • Caregivers in the Courtroom: The Growing Trend of Family Responsibilities Discrimination, 41 U.S.F. L. Rev. 171 (2006) (with Stephanie Bornstein). Link
  • Family Responsibilities Discrimination: What Plaintiffs' Attorneys.Management Attorneys and Employees Need to Know, 91 Women Law. J. 24 (2006) (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert). Link
  • Keynote Address: Want Gender Equality? Die Childless at Thirty, 27 Women’s Rts. L. Rep. 3 (2006) . Link
  • The Public Policy of Motherhood, 60 J. Soc. Issues 849 (2004) (with Holly Cohen Cooper).
  • Mothers' Dreams: Abortion and the High Price of Motherhood, 6 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 818 (2004) (with Shauna Shames). Link
  • The Maternal Wall, 82 Harv. Bus. J. 26 (2004) .
  • Caveat Counselor: Going In-House Does Not Guarantee Work/Life Balance, 89 Women Law. J. 23 (2004) . Link
  • Hitting the Maternal Wall:Before They Reach a ‘Glass Ceiling’ in Their Careers.Women Faculty May Hit a ‘Maternal Wall’, 90 Academe 16 (2004) . Link
  • Hibbs as a Federalism Case; Hibbs as a Maternal Wall Case, 73 U. Cin. L. Rev. 365 (2004). Link
  • Looking Forward and Back: Using the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and Discriminatory Gender/Pregnancy Stereotyping to Challenge Discrimination Against New Mothers, 7 Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol’y J. 303 (2003) (with Susan Huhta and Elizabeth Westfall).
  • Beyond the Maternal Wall: Relief for Family Caregivers Who Are Discriminated Against on the Job, 26 Harv. Women’s L.J. 77 (2003) (with Nancy Segal). Link
  • Beyond the Glass Ceiling: The Maternal Wall as a Barrier to Gender Equality, 26 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 1 (2003) . Link
  • The Social Psychology of Stereotyping: Using Social Science to Litigate Gender Discrimination Cases and Defang the ‘Cluelessness’ Defense, 7 Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol’y J. 401 (2003) .
  • Bringing Your Part Time Policy Up to PAR, 88 Women Law. J. 19 (2003) . Link
  • Litigating the Glass Ceiling and the Maternal Wall: Using Stereotyping and Cognitive Bias Evidence to Prove Gender Discrimination, 7 Emp. Rts. & Emp. Pol’y J. 287 (2003) .
  • The Family-Hostile Corporation, 70 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 921 (2002) . Link
  • Fretting in the Force Fields: Why the Distribution of Social Power Has Proved So Hard to Change, 71 UMKC L. Rev. 493 (2002) . Link
  • Canaries in the Mine: Work/Family Conflict and the Law, 70 Fordham L. Rev. 2221 (2002) . Link
  • It’s Snowing Down South’: How to Help Mothers and Avoid Recycling the Sameness/Difference Debate, 102 Colum. L. Rev. 812 (2002) . Link, SSRN
  • Our Economy of Mothers and Others: Women and Economics Revisited, 5 J. Gender Race & Just. 411 (2002) . Link
  • From Difference to Dominance to Domesticity: Care as Work.Gender as Tradition, 76 Chi. Kent. L. Rev. 1441 (2001) . Link
  • Foreword, 8 Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol’y & L. 1 (2000) (with Adrienne Davis). Link
  • Afterword.Exploring the Economic Meanings of Gender, 49 Am. U. L. Rev. 987 (2000) . Link
  • Implementing Antiessentialism: How Gender Wars Turn into Race and Class Conflict, 15 Harv. BlackLetter L.J. 41 (1999) . Link, SSRN
  • Do Wives Own Half? Winning for Wives After Wendt, 32 Conn. L. Rev. 249 (1999). Link
  • Market Work and Family Work in the 21st Century, 44 Vill. L. Rev. 305 (1999) . Link
  • Is Law an Art or a Science?: Comments on Objectivity.Feminism.and Power, 7 Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol’y & L. 373 (1999) . Link
  • Tribute to Curt Berger, 99 Colum. L. Rev. 285 (1999) . Link
  • Toward a Reconstructive Feminism: Reconstructing the Relationship of Market Work and Family Work, 19 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 89 (1998) . Link
  • Legal Education Then and Now: Changing Patterns in Legal Training and in the Relationship of Law Schools to the World Around Them, 47 Am. U. L. Rev. 747 (1998) (with Bob Gordon; Jack Schlegel & James May). Link
  • Do Women Need Special Treatment? Do Feminists Need Equality?, 9 J. Contemp. Legal Issues 279 (1998) . Link
  • The Rhetoric of Property, 83 Iowa L. Rev. 277 (1998) . Link
  • Recovering the Full Complexity of Our Traditions: New Developments in Property Theory, 46 J. Legal Educ. 596 (1996) . Link
  • At the Fusion of Horizons: Incommensurability and the Public Interest, 20 Vt. L. Rev. 625 (1996) . Link
  • Restructuring Work and Family Entitlements Around Family Values, 19 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 753 (1996) . Link
  • Married Women and Property, 1 Va. J. Soc. Pol’y & L. 383 (1994) . Link
  • Is Coverture Dead? Beyond a New Theory of Alimony, 82 Geo. L.J. 2227 (1994) . Link
  • Rorty.Radicalism.Romanticism: The Politics of the Gaze, 1992 Wis. L. Rev. 131 (1992) . Link
  • Dissolving the Sameness/Difference Debate: A Post-Modern Path Beyond Essentialism in Feminist and Critical Race Theory, 1991 Duke L.J. 296 (1991) . Link
  • Gender Wars: Selfless Women in the Republic of Choice, 66 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1559 (1991) . Link
  • Domesticity as the Dangerous Supplement of Liberalism, 2 J. Women’s Hist. 69 (1991) .
  • Sameness Feminism and the Work/Family Conflict, 35 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 347 (1990) . Link
  • Culture and Certainty: Legal History and the Reconstructive Project, 76 Va. L. Rev. 713 (1990) . Link
  • Deconstructing Gender, 87 Mich. L. Rev. 797 (1989) . Link
  • Abortion.Incommensurability.and Jurisprudence, 63 Tul. L. Rev. 1651 (1989) . Link
  • Critical Legal Studies: The Death of Transcendence and the Rise of the New Langdells, 62 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 429 (1987) . Link
  • The Constitutional Vulnerability of American Local Government: The Politics of City Status in American Law, 1986 Wis. L. Rev. 83 (1986) . Link
  • The Invention of the Municipal Corporation: A Case Study in Legal Change, 34 Am. U. L. Rev. 369 (1985) . Link
  • The Future of Tenants' Rights in Assisted Housing Under a Reagan Voucher Plan: An Analysis of Section 8 Existing Housing Cases, 23 Urban L. Ann. 3 (1982) . Link
  • It’s High Time to Get Homeowners' Deductions Under Control, 12 Tax Notes 963 (1981) .
  • Chapters in Books

  • Jennifer L. Berdahl, Marianne Cooper, Peter Glick, Robert W. Livingston & Joan C. Williams, Workplace Masculinity Contests and Culture, in Routledge Handbook on Men, Masculinities and Organizations: Theories, Practices and Futures of Organizing 138 (Jeff Hearn et. al. eds., 2023). SSRN
  • Beyond the Tough Guise: Justice Ginsburg’s Reconstructive Feminism, in The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg 59 (Scott Dodson; ed., Cambridge Univ. Press 2015).
  • The Opt-Out Revolution Revisited, in Women Who Opt Out: The Debate over Working Mothers and Work-Family Balance 151 (Bernie D.Jones ed., N.Y.Univ.Press 2012) (with Jamie Dolkas).
  • The Odd Disconnect: Our Family-Hostile Public Policy, in Workplace Flexibility: Realigning 20th Century Jobs to 21st Century Workers 196 (Alfred P.Sloan Foundation 2010).
  • The Class Culture Gap, in Facing Social Class: How Societal Rank Influences Interaction 39 (Susan T. Fiske & Hazel Rose Marcus eds. 2010).
  • Work and Home Life; Conflict Between: Legal and Public–Policy Perspectives, in The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion (Univ. of Chicago Press 2009) (with Stephanie Bornstein).
  • Preface to Julie M. Rosenzweig & Eileen M. Brennan, Work, Life, and the Mental Health System of Care: A Guide for Professionals Supporting Families of Children with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders (Brookes Pub. Co. 2008) (with Stephanie Bornstein).
  • What Psychologists Need to Know About Family Responsibilities Discrimination, in The Changing Realities of Work and Family 255 (Amy Marcus–Newhall, Diane F. Halpern & Sherylle J. Tan eds., Wiley–Blackwell 2008).
  • A Legal Perspective on Family Issues at Work, in The Work and Family Handbook: Multi–disciplinary Perspectives and Approaches 309 (Marcie Pitts–Catsouphes, Ellen Ernst Kossek & Stephen A. Sweet eds., Lawrence Eribaum Associates 2006) (with Mary C. Still).
  • Work/Life Litigation, in 2 Encyclopedia of Career Development 871 (Jeffrey H. Greenhaus & Gerard A. Callahan eds., Sage Pub. 2006) (with Mary C. Still & Cynthia Thomas Calvert).
  • Work/Family Conflict: The Arbitrator’s Role; in Arbitration 2005: The Evolving World of Work (Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Arbitrators) 20 (Paul F. Gerhart & Stephen F. Befort eds., 2006).
  • Preface: Freedom, Equality, and the Many Futures of Commodification, in Rethinking Commodification: Cases and Readings in Law and Culture 1 (NYU Press 2005) (with Martha M. Ertman).
  • Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What to Do about It, in Rethinking Commodification: Cases and Readings in Law and Culture 291 (NYU Press 2005).
  • To Commodify or Not to Commodify, in Rethinking Commodification: Cases and Readings in Law and Culture 362 (NYU Press 2005) (with Viviana A. Zelizer).
  • Experience of Women Partners, in The Myth of the Meritocracy: A Report on the Bridges and Barriers to Success in Large Law Firms 32 (Minority Corporate Counsel Association 2003).
  • Discrimination Against Employees Who Are Also Family Caregivers, in Sloan Work and Family Encyclopedia (Alfred P. Sloan Work and Family Research Network 2003) (with Molly T. Tami).
  • Trabajo Familiar y en el Mercado de Trabajo; in Mujer y Derechos Humanos ___ (Mariblanca Staff Wilson ed., Instituto de la Mujer 1999).
  • The Sameness/Difference (or Equality/Difference) Debate, in Feminist Jurisprudence; Women and the Law: Critical Essays, Research Agenda, and Bibliography 23 (Betty Taylor, Sharon Rush & Robert J. Munro eds., Fred B. Rothman & Co. 1999).
  • Igualdad sin Discriminación, in Género y derecho ___ (Alda Facio & Lorena Fries eds., LOM Ediciones/La Morada 1999).
  • Notes of a Jewish Episcopalian: Gender as a Language of Class, Religion as a Dialect of Liberalism, in Debating Democracy’s Discontent: Essays on American Politics, Law, and Public Philosophy 99 (Anita L. Allen & Milton C. Regan; Jr. eds., Oxford Univ. Press 1998).
  • Religion, Morality, and Other Unmentionables: The Revival of Moral Discourse in the Law, in In Face of the Facts: Moral Inquiry in American Scholarship 251 (Richard Wightman Fox & Robert B. Westbrook eds., Woodrow Wilson Center 1998).
  • Virtue, in A Companion to American Thought 706 (Richard Wightman Fox & James T. Kloppenberg eds., Blackwell Publishers 1995).
  • Feminist Jurisprudence, in A Companion to American Thought 235 (Richard Wightman Fox & James T. Kloppenberg eds., Blackwell Publishers 1995).
  • Privatization as a Gender Issue, in A Fourth Way?: Privatization, Property, and the Emergence of New Market Economics 215 (Gregory S. Alexander & Grazyna Skapska eds., Routledge 1994).
  • Virtue and Oppression, in Virtue (NOMOS XXXIV: Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy) 309 (John W. Chapman ed., New York Univ. Press 1992).
  • Clio Meets Portia: Objectivity in the Courtroom and the Classroom, in Ethics and Public History: An Anthology 45 (Theodore J.Karamanski ed., R.E.Krieger Publishing Co. 1990).
  • Book Reviews

  • Remodel Jobs: The Sense of Entitlement that Keeps Men at the Top, Times Literary Supplement (Jan. 7, 2022) (reviewing CLAUDIA GOLDIN, CAREER AND FAMILY: WOMEN’S CENTURY-LONG JOURNEY TOWARD EQUITY (2021)).
  • Private Profits, Public Cost: How Amazon’s Business Practices Harm America (2021), Times Literary Supplement 11 (May 7, 2021) (reviewing Alec MacGillis, FULFILLMENT: WINNING AND LOSING IN ONE-CLICK AMERICA).
  • Catalogues of Wounds: Political Arguments to Energize the Left, Times Literary Supplement (Dec. 6, 2019) (reviewing IAN HANEY LOPEZ, MERGE LEFT (2019) & JACK SHENKER, NOW WE HAVE YOUR ATTENTION (2019)) .
  • Metro vs Retro: The Rise of Divisiveness in Modern Politics, Times Literary Supplement (Feb. 8, 2019 2019) (reviewing ERIC KAUFMAN, WHITESHIFT (2019)) .
  • Angry Young Men: The Political Consequences of Class Divides in the US and Britain, Times Literary Supplement (Jul. 6, 2018) (reviewing JUSTIN GEST, THE WHITE WORKING CLASS (2018) & GEORGE HAWLEY, MAKING SENSE OF THE ALT-RIGHT (2017)) .
  • A Case Study of Diversity Mismanaged: Lessons from The Good Black, Diversity & the Bar 21 (Jul./Aug. 2003) (reviewing PAUL BARRETT, THE GOOD BLACK: A TRUE STORY OF RACE IN AMERICA (1999)) (with Duane L. Hughes).
  • Book Review, 8 Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol’y & L. 803 ( 2000) (reviewing LINDA R. HIRSHMAN & JANE E. LARSON, HARD BARGAINS: THE POLITICS OF SEX (1998)).
  • The City, the Hope of Democracy: The Casebook as Moral Act, 103 Harv. L. Rev. 1174 ( 1990) (reviewing GERALD FRUG; LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAW (1988)).
  • Feminism and Post–Structuralism, 88 Mich. L. Rev. 1776 ( 1990) (reviewing ZILLAH R. EISENSTEIN, THE FEMALE BODY AND THE LAW (1988)).
  • The Development of the Public/Private Distinction in American Law, 64 Tex. L. Rev. 225 (1985) (reviewing HENDRIK HARTOG, PUBLIC PROPERTY AND PRIVATE POWER: THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK IN AMERICAN LAW (1983)).
  • Newspaper & Magazine Articles

  • No, SCOTUS Did Not Make Your Company’s DEI Programs Illegal, Harv. Bus. Rev., Aug. 29, 2023.
  • Democratic Elites Don’t Understand the Class Culture Gap, The New Republic, Apr. 19, 2022.
  • Op-Ed: Why Moms Have It So Much Harder Than Dads During COVID Time, L.A. Times, Feb. 7, 2021 .
  • The Pandemic Has Exposed the Fallacy of the “Ideal Worker”, Harv. Bus. Rev., 11-May 2020.
  • The Equal Rights Amendment Isn’t the Answer, 3 N.Y. Times, Jan. 19, 2020 (Online title: The Misguided Push for an Equal Rights Amendment).
  • How Women Can Escape the Likability Trap, N.Y. Times, Aug. 16, 2019.
  • How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias on Their Teams, Harv. Bus. Rev., 2019 (with Sky Mihaylo) (Nov.-Dec. Magazine).
  • Why Companies Should Add Class to Their Diversity Discussions, Harv. Bus. Rev., Sep. 5, 2018 (with Marina Multhaup & Sky Mihaylo).
  • The Democrats’ White-People Problem, The Atlantic, December 2018.
  • How Managers Can Be Fair About Flexibility for Parents and Non-Parents Alike, Harv. Bus. Rev., Apr. 27, 2018 (with Marina Multhaup).
  • Now What?, Harv. Bus. Rev., Feb. 9, 2018 (with Suzanne Lebsock).
  • Research: When Retail Workers Have Stable Schedules, Sales and Productivity Go Up, Harv. Bus. Rev., Mar. 29, 2018 (with Lisa McCorkell & Saravanan Kesavan).
  • For Women and Minorities to Get Ahead, Managers Must Assign Work Fairly, Harv. Bus. Rev., Mar. 5, 2018 (with Marina Multhaup).
  • The Elites Feed Anti-Immigrant Bias, Wall St. J., Jul. 9, 2018.
  • A Winning Parental Leave Policy Can Be Surprisingly Simple, Harv. Bus. Rev., Jul. 28, 2017 (with Hilary Rau).
  • How The Gap Used an App to Give Workers More Control Over Their Schedules, Harv. Bus. Rev., Dec. 27, 2017 (with Saravanan Kesavan & Susan Lambert).
  • How the Imagined “Rationality” of Engineering Is Hurting Diversity – and Engineering, Harv. Bus. Rev., Aug. 10, 2017 (with Marina Multhaup).
  • The Dumb Politics of Elite Condescension, N.Y. Times, 27-May 2017.
  • We Need to Redefine What “Working Class” Means,, Aug. 14, 2017.
  • Even on July 4, the working class and the elites don’t see eye to eye, L.A. Times, Jul. 4, 2017.
  • Uber and Other Tech Companies Could Make Simple Changes to Avoid Driving Away Their Female Engineers, Harv. Bus. Rev., Feb. 28, 2017 (with Marina Multhaup).
  • Why Sexual Harassment Is More of a Problem in Venture Capital, Harv. Bus. Rev., Jul. 12, 2017.
  • Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and the Tug of War Between Women, Harv. Bus. Rev., Feb. 22, 2016 (with Kate Massinger).
  • What So Many People Don’t Get About the U.S. Working Class, Harv. Bus. Rev., Nov. 10 2016.
  • Need a Good Parental Leave Policy? Here It Is, Harv. Bus. Rev., Nov. 13, 2015.
  • Law Firms’ Grueling Hours Are Turning Defectors into Competitors, Harv. Bus. Rev., Aug. 25, 2015.
  • The Throwback Sexism of Kleiner Perkins, Harv. Bus. Rev., Mar. 12, 2015.
  • The 5 Biases Pushing Women Out of STEM, Harv. Bus. Rev., Mar. 24, 2015.
  • 3 Ways Tech Companies Are Offering Parental Leave, Harv. Bus. Rev., Nov. 19, 2015.
  • Pregnant Workers Have Rights, No Matter What the Supreme Court Says About UPS, Harv. Bus. Rev., Dec. 14, 2014 (with Liz Morris).
  • Women, Work and the Art of Gender Judo, Wash. Post, Jan. 24, 2014.
  • Sticking Women with the Office Housework, Wash. Post, Apr. 16, 2014.
  • Hacking Tech’s Diversity Problem, 94 Harv. Bus. Rev., Oct. 2014.
  • Why Men Work So Many Hours, Harv. Bus. Rev., 29-May 2013.
  • Meet the New Face of Diversity: The “Slacker” Millennial Guy, Harv. Bus. Rev., Oct. 14, 2013.
  • The Rise of Executive Feminism, Harv. Bus. Rev., Mar. 28, 2013 (with Rachel W. Dempsey).
  • Who Wants to Work for a Woman?, Harv. Bus. Rev., Nov. 19, 2013.
  • Will Working Mothers Take Your Company to Court? Harvard Bus. Rev., Sept. 2012 (with Amy Cuddy).
  • Air Traffic Controllers: the Canary in the Coal Mine?, Harv. Bus. Rev., Apr. 29, 2011.
  • Why A Supportive Schedule Benefits Your Business,, Jan. 5, 2011.
  • A Diversity Program Without a Work⁄Life Component Just Won’t Work, Diversity & the Bar, July⁄Aug. 2007.
  • Still Struggling?: Implementing ‘Part–Time’ Programs that Work, Diversity & the Bar, Sept.⁄Oct. 2007 (with Marina Park).
  • The Opt-Out Revolution Revisited, Amer.Prospect, Mar. 2007.
  • Family Caregivers Need Legal Protections at Work, 6 L.A. Daily J., 21-Jun 2007.
  • It’s in Their Interest; Too, Chron. of Higher Educ., Aug. 31, 2006.
  • Are Your Parental–Leave Policies Legal?, C1 Chron. of Higher Educ., Feb. 11, 2005.
  • All Work and No Play Is the U.S. Way, B1 L.A. Times, Aug. 30, 2004 (with Ariane Hegewisch).
  • Better on Balance?: Going In–House Is No Guarantee of a More Manageable Workload or Flexible Schedule, a New Study Shows, 18 Legal Times, Jan. 19, 2004 (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert & Holly Cooper).
  • Singing the Baby Blues: If Having Children on the Tenure Track Is a Career Killer; Is Having Them in Graduate School Any Better?, Chron. Higher Educ., Apr. 23, 2004.
  • Why Moms Stay Home, 0 Washington Post, 17-Jul 2003.
  • The Subtle Side of Discrimination: Linking Merit Raises to Outside Offers May Discriminate Against Female Professors with Families, C5 Chron. of Higher Educ., Apr. 18, 2003.
  • Is Your Firm’s Part–Time Program a Retention Tool?, 33 Law Prac. Mgmt., Apr. 2003 (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert).
  • Putting the AAUP’s Family–Friendly Policies Into Practice, Chronicle Careers, Chron. of Higher Educ., Jan. 28, 2002.
  • The Canary in the Mine: Women Lawyers and Work/Family Conflict, 13 Lex Claudia (Summer 2002).
  • The New Glass Ceiling: Mothers – and Fathers – Sue for Discrimination, Work Life Law, Aug. 28, 2002 (with Nancy Segal).
  • How Academe Treats Mothers, Chronicle Careers, Chron. of Higher Educ., 17-Jun 2002 (reprinted in The Strategist (Fall 2002)).
  • Celebrating a Happy Equal Pay Day: Not Likely 16?, E–Women’s News, Apr. 10, 2002.
  • Majority Rule? Women in Law School Still Face Obstacles Despite Their High Numbers, 33 Legal Times, Sept. 3, 2001.
  • Part–Time Progress: Letting Lawyers Cut Back Can Save Money and Retain Talent — If Firms Do It Right, 60 Legal Times, Oct. 22, 2001 (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert).
  • Lessons for Academic Parents, Chronicle Careers, Chron. of Higher Educ., Oct. 15, 2001.
  • What Mothers Need for Mother’s Day, E7 Boston Globe, 13-May 2001 (with Ann Crittenden).
  • Don’t Go! We Can Change: Replace the Spiral of Salaries with Policies That Let Associates Have a Life — and a Career, 20 Legal Times, Feb. 5, 2001 (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert) .
  • A Half–Time Tenure Track Proposal, 46 Change: The Mag. of Higher Learning, Nov./Dec. 2000 (with Robert Drago).
  • What Stymies Women’s Academic Careers? It’s Personal, B10 Chron. of Higher Educ., Dec. 15, 2000.
  • Designing Mom–Size Jobs, 11 Christian Science Monitor, Nov. 17, 2000 (reprinted in The Dynamics of Inequality: Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality in the United States (Patricia Gagne & Richard Tewksbury eds., Prentice Hall 2002)).
  • Work/Family Conflict as Discrimination Against Women, Fla. Ass’n Woman Law. State News, Spring 2000.
  • Family Conflict as Discrimination Against Women, 9 Women Law.J., Fall/Winter 2000.
  • Gendered Office Decor, Melange, B9 Chron. of Higher Educ., Feb. 4, 2000.
  • Miscellaneous

  • Stable Scheduling Study: Health Outcomes Report, WorkLifeLaw (Jan 2022) (with Susan J. Lambert et al.).
  • Examining Gender Bias in Engineering in India, American Society for Engineering Education (Jun 2019) (with Roberta Rincon & Rachel M. Korn) (Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition).
  • Exposed: Discrimination Against Breastfeeding Workers, Center for WorkLife Law (2019) (with Liz Morris & Jessica Lee).
  • Walking the Tightrope: An Examination of Bias in India’s Engineering Workplaces, WorkLifeLaw (Oct 2018) (with Rachel M. Korn; Roberta Rincon; & Peter Finn).
  • You Can’t Change What You Can’t See: Gender and Racial Bias in the Legal Profession, American Bar Association Commission on Women in the Profession and the Minority Corporate Counsel Association (2018) (with Marina Multhaup, Su Li, and Rachel Korn).
  • Stable Scheduling Increases Productivity and Sales: The Stable Scheduling Study, WorkLifeLaw (Mar 2018) (with Susan J. Lambert, Saravanan Kesavan, Peter J. Fugiel, Lori Ann Ospina, Erin Devorah Rapoport, Meghan Jarpe, Dylan Bellisle, Pradeep Pendem, Lisa McCorkell & Sarah Adler-Milstein).
  • Climate Control: Gender and Racial Bias in Engineering?, American Society for Engineering Education (Jun 2017) (with Su Li & Roberta Rincon) (Paper presented at 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition).
  • Double Jeopardy? Gender Bias Against Women of Color in Science, Tools for Change in STEM (2015) (with Katherine W. Phillips & Erika V. Hall).
  • Case Study: The Flexibility Stigma: Work Devotion vs. Family Devotion, Harvard Business Review (2013) (with Mary Blair Loy & Jennifer Berdahl).
  • Protecting Family Caregivers from Employment Discrimination, AARP Public Policy Institute (2012) (with Robin Devaux &Patricija Petrac).
  • Still Better on Balance? Work / Life Balance In-House, Project for Attorney Retention (Mar 2012) (with Penelope M. Huang & Manar S. Morales).
  • Improving Work-Life Fit in Hourly Jobs: An Underutilized Cost-Cutting Strategy in a Globalized World, Center for WorkLife Law ( 2011) (with Penelope Huang).
  • The Three Faces of Work-Family Conflict: The Poor, the Professionals, and the Missing Middle, Center for American Progress & Center for WorkLife Law (2010) (with Heather Boushey).
  • Emerging Family Responsibilities Claims Under the Family and Medical Leave Act and Sex Discrimination Laws, SM097 ALI–ABA 23 ( 2007) (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert).
  • Legal Professions and Job Demands: Implications for Work/Life Balance, Sloan Work and Family Encyclopedia (2007).
  • One Sick Child Away from Being Fired: When “Opting Out” Is Not an Option, Center for WorkLife Law (2006).
  • “Opt Out” or Pushed Out? How the Press Covers Work-Family Conflict — The Untold Story of Why Women Leave the Workforce, Center for WorkLife Law ( 2006) (with Jessica Manvell & Stephanie Bornstein).
  • Technical Guidance: Using Employment and Civil Rights Laws to Protect Working Families, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Washington College of Law ( 2005) (with Nancy Segal).
  • Experience of Women Partners, The Myth of Meritocracy: A Report on the Bridges and Barriers to Success in Large Law Firms (Minority Corporate Counsel Ass’n 2003).
  • Discrimination Against Employees Who Are Also Family Caregivers, Sloan Work and Family Encyclopedia (2003) (with Molly T. Tami).
  • Better on Balance? The Corporate Counsel Work⁄Life Report: The Project for Attorney Retention Corporate Counsel Project — Final Report, Project for Attorney Retention (2003) (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert & Holly Cohen Cooper) (reprinted at 10 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 367 (2004)).
  • The Project for Attorney Retention: Interim Report — Survey of Work/Life Balance for Corporate Counsel, Project for Attorney Retention (May 2003) (with Cynthia Calvert and Holly Cooper) (reprinted in New York State Bar Association: First Annual for Symposium, Women on the Move (May 22, 2003)).
  • Balanced Hours: Effective Part–Time Policies for Washington Law Firms: The Project for Attorney Retention, Project for Attorney Retention (2002) (with Cynthia Thomas Calvert) (reprinted at 8 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 357 (2002)).