Loan Repayment

The UC Law SF Public Interest Career Assistance Program (PICAP) is designed to aid and encourage UC Law SF graduates who choose careers in public interest legal organizations or government agencies by assisting with repayment of qualifying, outstanding education loans. The intent of PICAP is to help graduates overcome the potential financial barrier that loan repayment may cause recognizing the disparity in salary between corporate employment and public interest. The College is pleased with its lineage of graduates who choose to use their skills and talent to serve in the public interest and is committed to supporting PICAP ensuring that its loan repayment assistance is significant and meaningful. This commitment is strengthened each year as the terms of the program and the annual budget are reviewed.

PICAP & Guidelines

Applications will be accepted until February 28, 2025 for both current and new PICAP participants.

For additional information, please contact Raisl Davis – Assistant Director of Financial Aid at davisraisl@uclawsf.edu.

Graduates authorized to participate in the College’s PICAP program must complete and sign the Loan Repayment Assistance Program promissory note.

Complete your PICAP Master Promissory Note