LEOP Admissions

UC Law SF created the Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP) in 1969 to make an outstanding legal education accessible to those who have overcome educational, economic, social, or physical adversity. UC Law SF understands that being subject to significant adversity may have prevented applicants from attaining numerically-measured goals that fully reflect their motivation, talent, and academic and professional ability.

In addition to completing the general application for admission, those applying through LEOP are required to address questions on the LEOP Application Supplement and are strongly encouraged to submit a second personal essay detailing the adversity they have encountered and overcome.

Once at UC Law SF, students in LEOP are enrolled in the same courses as the rest of the student body, and participate fully in the life of the College. However, students admitted through LEOP are also provided with the opportunity to participate in a cooperative academic support program committed to their success in law school and in the legal profession. This academic support program, which begins with a week-long orientation prior to the beginning of school and spans a student’s entire stay at UC Law SF.

To learn more about LEOP, please join a LEOP-focused information session.


Applying through LEOP

The Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEOP) offers special consideration in admission to applicants who have been subject to significant adversity that may have prevented them from attaining numeric criteria that fully reflect their motivation, talent, and academic and professional ability. While standard numeric criteria are considered in LEOP admissions, added emphasis is placed on non-numeric criteria.

Applicants interested in applying through LEOP must address all questions (listed below) on the LEOP Supplemental application. Answers to these questions will be used by the LEOP Committee and by the Admissions Office. While we do not have a set minimum or maximum of the length of your response, we advise each applicant to answer each question to the best of their ability and as a thoroughly as possible. Generally, two to four paragraphs per question will suffice. Not every question is going to apply to every LEOP applicant. If a question does not apply to you, write “N/A” and move on to the next question.

  1. Describe the financial situation of your family from birth to college entry. Please include sources of income, income estimates, number of household wage earners, and number of dependents. Please describe any unusual expenses.
  2. Please describe the occupation(s) and the educational background(s) of the person(s) who raised you.
  3. Describe your early educational experiences through high school. Discuss the expectation level of and support for educational and career achievement in your family and community. What impact, if any, did it have on your education?
  4. Please list your source(s) of financial support in college by approximate percentage:
    Family: ___ Employment: ___ Loans: ___ Grants/scholarships: ___ Other assistance:___
  5. Describe any paid or unpaid test preparation, academic support, or tutorial services you have used since elementary school.
  6. Identify and describe the community(ies) in which you resided from birth to age of college entry. Describe any bias you faced as a member of such community(ies) and explain what impact, if any, it had on your academic performance.
  7. Are you an immigrant or the child of immigrant parents? If yes, please include the country of origin, year of arrival in the U.S., and the reason for immigrating.
  8. If English is not your first language, how old were you when you first learned English? Was English the primary language spoken in your home?
  9. Have you had any learning or physical disability that may have adversely affected your academic performance? Please indicate what accommodations, if any, you were provided in high school and college. If possible, please include supporting documentation of your disability and/or accommodations.

LEOP applicants are strongly encouraged to submit an additional personal statement in which they identify and describe in detail the challenges and obstacles that they have faced and the impact these challenges may have had on their academic preparation. Applicants should include specific information on what they have done to meet and/or overcome these challenges.

For any questions about the LEOP admissions process, please call the Admissions Office at 415-565-4623 or email us at admissions@uclawsf.edu.