Clark Freshman - Bibliography


  • Journal Articles

  • Mindful Judging 1.5: The Science of Attention, “Lie Detection,” and Bias Reduction – With Kindness, 2016 J. Disp. Resol. 281 (2016) (with Shauna Shapiro & Sarah de Sousa). Link
  • Lie Detection and the Negotiation Within, 16 Harv. Negot. L. Rev. 263 (2011). Link
  • Yes, And: Core Concerns, Internal Mindfulness, and External Mindfulness for Emotional Balance, Lie Detection, and Successful Negotiation, 10 Nev. L.J. 365 (2010). Link
  • Managing the Goal-Setting Paradox: How to Get Better Results from High Goals and Be Happy, 25 Negotiation J. 217 (2009) (with Chris Guthrie).
  • After Basic Mindfulness Mediation: External Mindfulness, Emotional Truthfulness, and Lie Detection in Dispute Resolution, 2006 J. Disp. Resol. 511 (2006). Link
  • Behind the Process: Remembering John Ely’s Compassion, 58 U. Miami L. Rev. 955 (2004). Link
  • The Promise and Perils of “Our” Justice: Psychological, Critical and Economic Perspectives on Communities and Prejudices in Mediation, 6 Cardozo J. Conflict Resol. 1 (2004). Link
  • Foreword: Revisioning the Constellations of Critical Race Theory, Law and Economics, and Empirical Scholarship, 55 Stan. L. Rev. 2267 (2003). Link
  • Tweaking the Market for Autonomy: A Problem-Solving Perspective to Informed Consent in Arbitration, 56 U. Miami L. Rev. 909 (2002). Link
  • The Lawyer-Negotiator as Mood Scientist: What We Know and Don’t Know about How Mood Relates to Successful Negotiation, 2002 J. Disp. Resol. 1 (2002) (with Adele Hayes & Greg Feldman). Link
  • Adapting Meditation to Promote Negotiation Success: A Guide to Varieties and Scientific Support, 7 Harv. Negot. L. Rev. 67 (2002) (with Adele M. Hayes & Greg C. Feldman). Link
  • Whatever Happened to Anti-Semitism? How Social Science Theories Identify Discrimination and Promote Coalitions Between “Different” Minorities, 85 Cornell L. Rev. 313 (2000). Link
  • Privatizing Same-Sex “Marriage” Through Alternative Dispute Resolution: Community-Enhancing Versus Community-Enabling Mediation, 44 UCLA L. Rev. 1687 (1997). Link
  • Chapters in Books

  • (Mindfully) Negotiating Around “Lies”: The Science of Nonverbal Communication for “Soft” and “Hard” Cultures, in COMPARATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION 116 (Maria Federica Moscati et al. eds., Edward Elgar Pub. 2020) (Research Handbooks in Comparative Law series).
  • Persuasion, Negotiation, and the Law, in Nonverbal Communication: Science and Applications 191 (David R.Matsumoto, Mark G.Frank & Hyi Sung Hwang eds., Sage Publications 2012) (invited and peer reviewed).
  • Identity, Beliefs, Emotion, and Negotiation Success, in THE HANDBOOK OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION 99 (Michael L. Moffitt & Robert C. Bordone eds., 2005).
  • Book Reviews

  • Don’t Just Say No, 24 NEGOTIATION J. 89 (2008) (reviewing WILLIAM URY, THE POWER OF A POSITIVE NO: HOW TO SAY NO AND STILL GET TO YES (2007)).
  • Prevention Perspectives on “Different” Kinds of Discrimination: From Attacking Different “Isms” to Promoting Acceptance in Critical Race Theory, Law and Economics, and Empirical Research, 55 Stan. L. Rev. 2293 (2003) (reviewing IAN AYRES, PERVASIVE PREJUDICE? (2001) & FRANCISCO VALDES, JEROME M. CULP, & ANGELA P. HARRIS, CROSSROADS, DIRECTIONS, AND A NEW CRITICAL RACE THEORY (2002)).
  • Revisioning the Dependency Crisis and the Negotiator’s Dilemma: Reflections on the Sexual Family and the Mother Child Dyad, 22 Law & Soc. Inquiry 97 (1997) (reviewing MARTHA A. FINEMAN, THE NEUTERED MOTHER, THE SEXUAL FAMILY, AND OTHER TWENTIETH CENTURY TRAGEDIES (1995)).
  • Were Patricia Williams and Donald Dworkin Separated at Birth?, 95 Colum. L. Rev. 1568 (1995) (reviewing RICHARD POSNER, OVERCOMING LAW (1995) (with a reply by Posner).
  • Student Note/Comment

  • Note, Beyond Atomized Discrimination: Use of Acts Of Discrimination Against “Other” Minorities to Prove Discriminatory Motivation Under Federal Employment Law, 43 Stan. L. Rev. 241 (1990).
  • Dissertation

  • Beyond Pontius Pilate and Judge Lynch: The Pardoning Power in Theory and Practice as Illustrated in the Leo Frank Case (1986) (unpublished A.B. thesis, Harvard University (on file with author).
  • Miscellaneous

  • The Problem Solvers: Mediators For Lesbians And Gay Men (Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation, Working Paper No. 44, 1991).