Dave Owen - Bibliography


  • Books

  • NATURAL RESOURCES LAW: A PLACE-BASED BOOK OF PROBLEMS AND CASES (Aspen Publishers 5th ed. 2022) (with Christine A. Klein, Bret C. Birdsong, Alexandra B. Klass & Eric Biber).
  • PRACTICING ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (Foundation Press, 2nd ed. 2021) (with Todd Aagaard & Justin Pidot).
  • PRACTICING ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (Foundation Press 2017) (with Todd Aagaard & Justin Pidot).
  • Journal Articles

  • The Negotiable Implementation of Environmental Law, 75 Stan. L. Rev. 137 (2023). Link, SSRN
  • Community Energy Exit, 73 Duke L.J. 251 (2023) (with Sharon Jacobs). SSRN
  • The Realities of Takings Litigation, 47 BYU L. Rev. 2 (2022). Link, SSRN
  • Groundwater Recharge for a Regional Water Bank: Kern Water Bank, Kern County, California, 5 Case Stud. Env’t 1 (2021) (with Michael Kiparsky et al.). Link
  • Private Facilitators of Public Regulation: A Study of the Environmental Consulting Industry, 15 Reg. & Governance 226 (2021). Link
  • Law, Land Use, and Groundwater Recharge, 73 Stan. L. Rev. 1163 (2021). Link, SSRN
  • Coequal Federalism and Federal-State Agencies, 55 Ga. L. Rev. 287 (2020) (with Hannah Jacobs Wiseman). Link, SSRN
  • Consultants, the Environment, and the Law, 61 Ariz. L. Rev. 823 (2019). Link, SSRN
  • California Groundwater Management, Science-policy Interfaces, and the Legacies of Artificial Legal Distinctions, 14 ENVTL. RES. LETTERS 1 (2019) (with Alida Cantor, Nell Green Nylen, Thomas Harter & Michael Kiparsky). Link
  • Federal Laboratories of Democracy, 52 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1119 (2018) (with Hannah Jacobs Wiseman). Link
  • Cooperative Subfederalism, 9 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. 177 (2018).
  • The Trump Administration’s Proposed ESA Regulations, 48 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis 10953 (2018) (with Caitlin McCarthy, Ya-Wei (Jake) Li, Holly Pearen, Steve Quarles & Jonathan Wood).
  • The Conservative Turn Against Compensatory Mitigation, 48 Envtl. L. 265 (2018). Link, SSRN
  • Little Streams and Legal Transformations, 2017 Utah L. Rev. 1 (2017). Link, SSRN
  • Water and Taxes, 50 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1559 (2017). Link, SSRN
  • Auctions, Taxes, and Air, 65 UCLA L. Rev. Disc. 64 (2017). Link
  • Regional Federal Administration, 63 UCLA L. Rev. 58 (2016). Link, SSRN
  • After the TMDLs, 17 Vt. J. Envtl. L. 845 (2016). Link, SSRN
  • Trading Dams, 48 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1043 (2015) (with Colin Apse). Link, SSRN
  • Interdisciplinary Research and Environmental Law, 41 Ecology L.Q. 887 (2015) (with Caroline Noblet). Link, SSRN
  • Taking Groundwater, 91 Wash. U. L. Rev. 253 (2014). Link, SSRN
  • Overallocation, Conflict, and Water Transfers, 9 ENVTL. RES. LETTERS (2014) . Link
  • Environmental Groups File Residual Designation Authority Petitions for EPA Regions 1, 3, and 9, Oct. 2013 SandBar 4 (2013) .
  • Mapping, Modeling, and the Fragmentation of Environmental Law, 2013 Utah L. Rev. 219 (2013) . Link, SSRN
  • The Mono Lake Case, The Public Trust Doctrine, and the Administrative State, 45 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1099 (2012) . Link, SSRN
  • Sea-Level Rise and the Endangered Species Act, 73 La. L. Rev. 119 (2012) . Link, SSRN
  • Critical Habitat and the Challenge of Regulating Small Harms, 64 Fla. L. Rev. 141 (2012) . Link, SSRN
  • Urbanization, Water Quality, and the Regulated Landscape, 82 U. Colo. L. Rev. 431 (2011) . Link, SSRN
  • Collaboration, Clean Water Act Residual Designation Authority, and Collective Permitting: A Case Study of Long Creek, 1 WATERSHED SCI. BULLETIN 25 (2010) .
  • Probabilities, Planning Failures, and Environmental Law, 84 Tul. L. Rev. 265 (2009) . Link, SSRN
  • Legal constraints, environmental variability, and the limits of innovative environmental governance, 12 ENVTL. SCI. & POL’y 684 (2009) .
  • Law, Environmental Dynamism, Reliability: The Rise and Fall of CALFED, 37 Envtl. L. 1145 (2008) . Link, SSRN
  • Climate Change and Environmental Assessment Law, 33 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 57 (2008) . Link, SSRN
  • Technocracy and Democracy: Conflicts Between Models and Participation in Environmental Law and Planning, 56 Hastings L.J. 901 (2005) (with James Fine). Link, SSRN
  • Prescriptive Laws, Uncertain Science, and Political Stories: Forest Planning in the Sierra Nevada, 29 Ecology L.Q. 747 (2003) . Link, SSRN
  • The Disappointing History of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act, 11 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 711 (2003) . Link, SSRN
  • Chapters in Books

  • Constitutional Law: The Realities of Takings Litigation, in The Judges’ Book vol. 7 31 (UC Law 2023).
  • Environmental Law: Law, Land Use, and Groundwater Recharge, in The Judges’ Book vol. 6; Art. 7 (UC Law 2022).
  • The Law of Environmental Planning, in ENVIRONMENTAL DECISION MAKING, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (Lee Paddock & Robert Glicksman eds., Edward Elgar 2016).
  • The Endangered Species Act, in GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND UNITED STATES LAW (2d ed., American Bar Association, Section of Environment, Energy and Resources 2014).
  • Book Reviews

  • Water War: Explaining the Klamath Controversy, 22 Conservation Biology 1664 (2008) (reviewing HOLLY DOREMUS & A. DAN TARLOCK, WATER WAR IN THE KLAMATH BASIN: MACHO LAW, COMBAT BIOLOGY, AND DIRTY POLITICS (2008)).
  • Student Note/Comment

  • Note, Gibbs v. Babbitt, 28 Ecology L.Q. 377 (2011). Link
  • Miscellaneous

  • Managing Water Scarcity: A Framework for Fair and Effective Water Right Curtailment in California, U.C. Berkeley Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (Apr. 2023) (with Nell Green Nylen et al.).
  • Climate, Energy, Justice: The Policy Path to a Just Transition for an Energy-Hungry America, Univ. of Houston Law Center 2021-W-1 ( 2021) (with Victor Byers Flatt, et al.).
  • Climate, Energy, Justice: The Policy Path to a Just Transition for an Energy-Hungry America, Center for Progressive Reform (Oct 2020) (with Victor Byers Flatt, et al.).
  • Navigating Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, Wheeler Water Institute: Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (Mar 2018) (with Alida Cantor, Thomas Harter, Michael Kiparsky & Nell Green Nylen).
  • California’s Stream Flow Monitoring System is Essential for Water Decision Making, Wheeler Water Institute: Center for Law, Energy & the Environment Issue Brief (Apr 2018) (with Kathleen Miller, Nell Green Nylen, Holly Doremus, Andrew Fisher, Graham Fogg, Samuel Sandoval Solis, Joshua Viers & Michael Kiparsky).
  • Addressing Institutional Vulnerabilities in California’s Drought Water Allocation, Part 1: Water Rights Administration and Oversight During Major Statewide Droughts, 1976-2016, Wheeler Water Institute: Center for Law, Energy & the Environment Report (Aug 2018) (with Nell Green Nylen, Michael Kiparsky, Holly Doremus & Michael Hanemann).
  • Addressing Institutional Vulnerabilities in California’s Drought Water Allocation, Part 2: Improving Water Rights Administration and Oversight for Future Droughts, Wheeler Water Institute: Center for Law, Energy & the Environment Report (Aug 2018) (with Nell Green Nylen, Michael Kiparsky, Holly Doremus & Michael Hanemann).
  • When Is Groundwater Recharge a Beneficial Use of Surface Water in California?, Wheeler Water Institute: Center for Law, Energy & the Environment Issue Brief (Aug 2018) (with Kathleen Miller, Nell Green Nylen, Holly Doremus & Andrew Fisher).
  • Designing Effective Groundwater Sustainability Agencies: Criteria for Evaluation of Local Governance Options, Wheeler Water Institute: Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (Mar 2016) (with Michael Kiparsky, Nell Green Nylen, Juliet Christian-Smith, Barbara Cosens, Holly Doremus, Andrew Fisher & Anita Milman).