Emily Murphy - Bibliography


  • Journal Articles

  • Collective Cognitive Capital, 63 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1347 (2022). Link, SSRN
  • Brains Without Money: Poverty as Disabling, 54 Conn. L. Rev. 699 (2022). Link, SSRN
  • Evidence of Memory from Brain Data, 7 J. L. & Biosci. 1 (2020) (with Jesse Rissman). Link
  • Paved with Good Intentions: Sentencing Alternatives from Neuroscience and the Policy of Problem-Solving Courts, 37 Law & Psychol. Rev. 100 (2013). Link, SSRN
  • Impulsive Behaviour Induced by Both Nmda Receptor Antagonism and Gabaa Receptor Activation in Rat Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex., 219 Psychopharmacology 401 (2012) (with Anushka BP Fernando, Gonzalo P. Urcelay, Emma SJ Robinson, Adam C. Mar, David EH Theobald, Jeffrey W. Dalley, & Trevor W. Robbins.). Link
  • Neuroimages as Evidence in a Mens Rea Defense: No Impact, 17 Psychol. Pub. Pol’y & L. 357 (2011) (with N. J. Schweitzer, Michael J. Saks, Adina L. Roskies, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Lyn M. Gaudet). SSRN
  • Misuse Made Plain: Evaluating Concerns About Neuroscience in National Security, 1 AJOB Neuroscience 15 (April-June 2010) (with Kelly Lowenberg, Brenda M. Simon, Amy Burns, Libby Greismann, Jennifer M. Halbleib, Govind Persad, David L.M. Preston, & Harker Rhodes). Link
  • Through a Scanner Darkly: Functional Neuroimaging as Evidence of a Criminal Defendant’s Past Mental States, 62 Stan. L. Rev. 1119 (2010) (with Teneille Brown). Link, SSRN
  • When Scientific Data Become Legal Evidence, 324 Sci. 335 (2009) (with Harvey S. Frey, Teneille Brown, Emily R. Murphy, Mark Gerstein, & Dov Greenbaum).
  • Behavioural Characterisation of High Impulsivity on the 5-choice Serial Reaction Time Task: Specific Deficits in ‘waiting’ Versus ‘stopping’, 196 Behav. Brain Res. 310 (2009) (with E.S.J. Robinson, D.M. Eagle, D. Economidou, D.E.H. Theobald, A.C. Mar, T.W. Robbins & J.W. Dalley). Link
  • Neuroimaging and Disorders of Consciousness: Envisioning an Ethical Research Agenda, 8 Amer. J. Bioethics 3 (2008) (with Joseph J. Fins, Judy Illes, James L. Bernat, Joy Hirsch, and Steven Laureys). Link
  • Neuroethics of Neuromarketing, 7 J. Consumer Beh. 293 (2008) (with Judy Illes & Peter B. Reiner). Link
  • Contrasting Effects of Selective Lesions of Nucleus Accumbens Core or Shell on Inhibitory Control and Amphetamine-induced Impulsive Behaviour, 28 Eur. J. Neuroscience 353 (2008) (with E.S.J. Robinson, D.E.H. Theobald, A.C. Mar, T.W. Robbins & J.W. Dalley). Link
  • Brain Images as Legal Evidence, 5 Episteme 359 (2008) (with Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Adina Roskies, & Teneille Brown). Link
  • Nucleus Accumbens D2/3 Receptors Predict Trait Impulsivity and Cocaine Reinforcement., 315 Sci. 1267 (2007) (with J. W. Dalley, T.D. Fryer, L. Brichard, E. S. J. Robinson, D. E. H. Theobald, K. Lääne, Y. Peña, Y. Shah, K. Probst, I. Abakumova, F. I. Aigbirhio, H. K. Richards, Y. Hong, J-C Baron, B. J. Everitt & T.W. Robbins). Link
  • Chapters in Books

  • Poverty Law: Brains Without Money: Poverty as Disabling, in The Judges’ Book vol. 7, Art. 9 (UC Law 2023).
  • Brain-based Memory Detection and the New Science of Mind Reading, in Handbook of Human Memory 11.8 (Michael J. Kahana & Anthony D. Wagner; eds., Oxford University Press 2021) (with Jesse Rissman).
  • What Will Be the Limits of Neuroscience-based Mindreading in the Law?, in Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics 635 (Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian eds., Oxford University Press. 2011) (with H. T. Greely).
  • Book Reviews

  • Book Review, 56 Law & Soc’y Rev.  646 ( 2022) (reviewing FREDERICK SCHAUER, PROOF: USES OF EVIDENCE IN LAW, POLITICS, AND EVERYTHING ELSE (2022)) .
  • Miscellaneous

  • Creating Brain-Forward Policies Amid a ‘Mass Deterioration Event’, Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics, Harvard Law School (Sept. 12, 2022).