Jodi Short - Bibliography


  • Journal Articles

  • Major Questions about Presidentialism: Untangling the ‘Chain of Dependence’ Across Administrative Law, 65 B.C. L. Rev. 511 (2024) (with Jed Shugerman). Link, SSRN
  • In Search of the Presidential Removal Power: What Venality (Offices as Property) Tells Us About the Constitutional Dogs that Did Not Bark and the Howling Hounds of Bureaucratic Accountability, 2023 JOTWELL 1 (2023) .
  • Regulatory Managerialism as Gaslighting Government, 86 L. & Contemp. Probs. 1 (2023). Link
  • In Search of the Public Interest, 40 Yale J. on Reg. 759 (2023). Link
  • The Dog That Didn’t Bark: Looking for Techno-Libertarian Ideology in a Decade of Public Discourse about Big Tech Regulation, 19 Ohio St. Tech. L.J. 1 (2022) (with Reuel Schiller, Susan Sibley, Noah Jones, Babak Hammatian, & Lee Anna Bowman-Carpio). Link, SSRN
  • The Politics of Regulatory Enforcement and Compliance: Theorizing and Operationalizing Political Influences, 15 Reg. & Governance 653 (2020). Link
  • Improving Working Conditions in Global Supply Chains: The Role of Institutional Environments and Monitoring Program Design, 73 Indus. & Lab. Rel. Rev. 873 (2020) (with Michael W. Toffel & Andrea R. Hugill). Link
  • What’s Reasonable Now? Sexual Harassment Law after the Norm Cascade, 2019 Mich. St. L. Rev. 139 (2019) (with Joan Williams, Margot Brooks, Hilary Hardcastle , Tiffanie A. Ellis & Rayna Saron). Link, SSRN
  • Coupling Labor Codes of Conduct and Supplier Labor Practices: The Role of Internal Structural Conditions, 30 Org. Sci. 647 (2019) (with Yanhua Bird & Michael W. Toffel). Link
  • The Trouble with Counting: Cutting through the Rhetoric of Red Tape Cutting, 103 Minn. L. Rev. 93 (2018). Link, SSRN
  • Private Regulation and Third-Party Auditing, Environs (2018) (Festschrift in Honor of Professor Lesley McAllister). Link
  • Monitoring Global Supply Chains, 37 Strategic Mgmt. J. 1878 (2016) (with Michael W. Toffel & Andrea Hugill). SSRN
  • Codes in Context: How States, Markets, and Civil Society Shape Adherence to Global Labor Standards, 9 Reg. & Governance 205 (2015) (with Michael W. Toffel & Melissa Ouellet). Link, SSRN
  • Competing Normative Frameworks and the Limits of Deterrence Theory: Comments on Baker and Griffith’s “Ensuring Corporate Misconduct”, 38 Law & Soc. Inquiry 493 (2013). Link, SSRN
  • Self-Regulation in the Regulatory Void: “Blue Moon” or “Bad Moon”?, 649 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. 22 (2013).
  • The Political Turn in American Administrative Law: Power.Rationality.and Reasons, 61 Duke L.J. 1811 (2012) . Link
  • The Paranoid Style in Regulatory Reform, 63 Hastings L.J. 633 (2012) . Link, SSRN
  • Coming Clean and Cleaning Up: Does Voluntary Self-Reporting Indicate Effective Self-Policing?, 54 J.L. & Econ. 609 (2011) (with Michael W. Toffel). Link, SSRN
  • Making Self-Regulation More than Merely Symbolic: The Critical Role of the Legal Environment, 55 Admin. Sci. Q. 361 (2010) (with Michael W. Toffel). Link, SSRN
  • Coerced Confessions: Self-Policing in the Shadow of the Regulator, 24 J.L. Econ. & Org. 45 (2008) (with Michael W. Toffel). Link, SSRN
  • Creating Peer Sexual Harassment: Mobilizing Schools to Throw the Book at Themselves, 28 Law & Pol’y 31 (2006) . Link
  • Killing the Messenger: The Use of Nondisclosure Agreements to Silence Whistleblowers, 60 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 1207 (1999) . Link
  • Sentencing: Capital Punishment, 82 Geo. L.J. 1199 (1994) (with Mark D. Spoto). Link
  • Chapters in Books

  • Transplanting Law in a Globalized World: Private Transnational Regulation and the Legal Transplant Paradigm, in Comparative Law and Regulation 430 (Francesca Bignami and David Zaring; eds., Edward Elgar 2016).
  • Book Reviews

  • Competing Normative Frameworks and the Limits of Deterrence Theory, 38 Law & Soc. Inquiry 493 (2013) (reviewing TOM BAKER &SEAN J.GRIFFITH, ENSURING CORPORATE MISCONDUCT: HOW LIABILITY INSURANCE UNDERMINES SHAREHOLDER LITIGATION (2011)).
  • Newspaper & Magazine Articles

  • The Integrity of Private Third-party Compliance Monitoring, 22 Administrative & Regulatory Law News, Fall 2016 (with Michael W. Toffel).
  • The Causes and Consequences of Industry Self-Policing, 33 Yale Econ.Rev., Summer 2008 (with Michael W.Toffel).
  • Personal Essay: Sociologists Behind Bars, 6 Footnotes, May/June 2004 (with Elizabeth Drogin).
  • Miscellaneous

  • Major Questions About Presidentialism: Untangling the “Chain of Dependence” Across Administrative Law, U.C. Law S.F. (2023) (with Jed H. Shugerman).
  • Auditor Independence and Outsourcing: Aligning Incentives to Mitigate Shilling and Shirking, Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 21-078 (2021) (with Ashley Palmarozzo & Michael W. Toffel).
  • Companies’ Responses to Social Activism: A Resource Reconfiguration Perspective, Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 21-114 (2021) (with Yanhua Bird & Michael W. Toffel).
  • Code Contingencies: Designing Monitoring Regimes to Promote Improvement in Supply Chain Working Conditions, Harvard Business School Technology & Operations Mgt. Unit Working Paper No. 17-001 (2019) (with Michael W. Toffel & Andrea R. Hugill).
  • Organizational Structures and the Improvement of Working Conditions in Global Supply Chains: Legalization, Participation, and Economic Incentives, Harvard Business School Working Paper; No. 18-003 (Jul 2017) (with Yanhua Zhou & Michael W. Toffel).
  • Beyond Symbolic Responses to Private Politics: Examining Labor Standards Improvement in Global Supply Chains, Harvard Business School Working Paper; No. 17-001 (Jul 2016) (with Andrea R. Hugill & Michael W. Toffel).
  • Monitoring Global Supply Chains, Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 14-032 (Jun 4 2015) (with Michael W. Toffel & Andrea R. Hugill).
  • Monitoring the Monitors: How Social Factors Influence Supply Chain Auditors, UC Law SF Research Paper No. 84 / Harvard Business School Technology & Operations Mgt. Unit Working Paper No. 14-032 (2014) (with Michael W. Toffel & Andrea Hugill).