Karen Musalo - Bibliography


  • Books

  • REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 5th ed., 2018 & Supp. 2021) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard A. Boswell).
  • REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 4th ed. 2011) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard A. Boswell) (with Teacher’s Manual).
  • REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 3d ed. 2007) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard Boswell).
  • REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: SELECTED STATUTES; REGULATIONS; AND INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS (Carolina Academic Press 1998) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard Boswell).
  • REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 2d ed. 2002) (Supp. 2005) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard Boswell).
  • REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 5th ed.; 2018) (Supp. 2021) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard A. Boswell).
  • REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 1997) (Supp. 2000) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard Boswell).
  • Journal Articles

  • Aligning United States Law with International Norms Would Remove Major Barriers to Protection in Gender Claims, ___ Int’l J. Refugee L. ___ (forthcoming 2024). Link
  • What Constitutes a High-Quality, Comprehensive Medico-Legal Asylum Affidavit in the United States Immigration Context? A Multi-Sectoral Consensus-Building Modified Delphi, 96 J. Forensic & Legal Med. (2023) (with Kathryn Hampton et al.).
  • The Legal and Moral Responsibility to Protect, 45 Fordham Int’l L.J. 751 (2022). Link
  • El Salvador: Root Causes and Just Asylum Policy Responses, 18 Hastings Race & Poverty L.J. 178 (2021). Link
  • The Struggle for Equality: Women’s Rights, Human Rights, and Asylum Protection, 48 Sw. L. Rev. 531 (2019). Link
  • El Salvador– A Peace Worse Than War: Violence, Gender and a Failed Legal Response, 30 Yale J.L. & Feminism 3 (2018). Link
  • Seeking a Rational Approach to a Regional Refugee Crisis: Lessons from the Summer 2014 ‘Surge’ of Central American Women and Children at the US-Mexico Border, 5 JMHS 137 (2017) (with Eunice Lee). Link, SSRN
  • Health Impact of Human Rights Testimony: Harming the Most Vulnerable?, 1 BMJ Glob. Health 1 (July 2016) (with Susan M Meffert, Shonali Shome, Thomas C Neylan, Harvey V Fineberg, Molly M Cooke, Paul A Volberding, & Eric P Goosby). Link
  • Personal Violence, Public Matter: Evolving Standards in Gender-Based Asylum Law,, Harvard Int’l Rev. (2014).
  • Crimes Without Punishment: An Update on Violence Against Women and Impunity in Guatemala, 10 Hastings Race & Poverty L.J. 265 (2013) (with Blaine Bookey). Link, SSRN
  • A Short History of Gender Asylum in the United States: Resistance and Ambivalence May Very Slowly be Inching Towards Recognition of Women’s Claims, 29(2) Refugee Surv. Q. 46 (2010). Link
  • Crimes Without Punishment: Violence Against Women in Guatemala, 21 Hastings Women’s L.J. 161 (2010) (with Elisabeth Pellegrin & Shawn Roberts). Link
  • The Role of Mental Health Professionals in Political Asylum Processing, 38 J Am Acad Psychiatry Law J. Am.Acad. Psychiatry Law 479 (2010) (with Susan M. Meffert; Dale E. McNiel & Renée L Binder). Link
  • Feelings of Betrayal by the United States High Commissioner for Refugees and Emotionally Distressed Sudanese Refugees in Cairo, 26 Med. Conflict & Survival 160 (2010) (with Susan M. Meffert; Akram Osman Abdo; Omayma Ahmed Abd Alla; Yasir Omer Mustafa Elmakki; Afrah Abdelrahim Omer; Sahar Yousif; Thomas J. Metzler and Charles R. Marmard).
  • The Implementation of the One-Year Bar to Asylum, 31 Hastings Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 693 (2008) (with Marcelle Rice). Link
  • Protecting Victims of Gendered Persecution: Fear of Floodgates or Call to (Principled) Action?, 14 Va. J. Soc. Pol’y & L. 119 (2007) . Link
  • Panel One – Empowering Survivors with Legal-Status Challenges, 22 Berkeley J. Gender L. & Just. 304 (2007) . Link
  • Conscientious Objection as a Basis for Refugee Status: Protection for the Fundamental Right of Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion, 26(2) Refugee Surv. Q. 69 (2007) . Link, SSRN
  • The One–Year Bar: Denying Protection to Bona Fide Refugees, Contrary to Congressional Intent and Violative of International Law, 2005 Immigr. Briefings 1 (2005) (with Leena Khandwala; Stephen Knight & Maria Anna K. Hreschyshyn).
  • La Convencíon de 1951 sobre el Estatuto de la Persona Refugiada y la protección de las mujeres frente a las violaciones de sus derechos fundamentales, 8 Rev. Der. Migratorio y Extranjer 9 (2005) .
  • Claims for Protection Based on Religion or Belief: Analysis and Proposed Conclusions, 16 Int’l J. Refugee L. 165 (2004) . Link
  • Asylum for Victims of Gender Violence: An Overview of the Law and an Analysis of 45 Unpublished Decisions, 2003 Immigr. Briefings 1 (2003) (with Stephen Knight).
  • Revisiting Social Group and Nexus in Gender Asylum Claims: A Unifying Rationale for Evolving Jurisprudence, 52 DePaul L. Rev. 777 (2003). Link
  • Revisiting Social Group and Nexus in Gender Asylum Claims: A Unifying Rationale for Evolving Jurisprudence, 52 DePaul L. Rev. 777 (2003) . Link
  • Unequal Protection, 58 Bull. Atomic Scientists 56 (2002) (with Stephen Knight).
  • Expedited Removal, 28 Hum. Rts. 12 (2001) . Link
  • Steps Forward and Steps Back: Uneven Progress in the Law of Social Group and Gender-Based Claims in the United States, 13 Int’l J. Refugee L. 51 (2001) (with Stephen Knight). Link
  • Gender Jurisprudence in the United States: Developments in Asylum Laws Relating to the Protection of Women, 27 S.F. Att’y 25 (2001) .
  • Gender-Based Asylum: An Analysis of Recent Trends, 77 Interpreter Releases 1533 (2000) (with Stephen Knight).
  • Matter of R-A: An Analysis of the Decision and Its Implications, 76 Interpreter Releases 1177 (1999) . Link
  • In Re Fauziya Kasinga: Brief for the Respondent, 7 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Women’s Stud. 373 (1998) . Link
  • Ruminations on In Re Kasinga: The Decision’s Legacy, 7 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Women’s Stud. 357 (1998). Link
  • Credibility and Burden of Proof in Asylum Claims After the Board of Immigration Appeals' Four 1998 Decisions, 1080 PLI/Corp 277 (1998) .
  • In Re Kasinga: A Big Step Forward for Gender–Based Asylum Claims, 73 Interpreter Releases 853 (1996) .
  • Women Refugees: Does the United States Provide Adequate Protection?, 1 Inter Alia 48 (1996) . Link
  • Irreconcilable Differences? Divorcing Refugee Protections from Human Rights Norms, 15 Mich. J. Int’l L. 1179 (1994) . Link
  • Beating a Hasty Retreat, 5 Peace Rev. 293 (1993) .
  • Swords into Ploughshares: Why the United States Should Provide Refuge to Young Men Who Refuse to Bear Arms for Reasons of Conscience, 26 San Diego L. Rev. 849 (1989) . Link
  • Conscientious Objection to Military Service Accepted as Valid Basis of Claim to Political Asylum for Salvadoran Men, 10 Immigr. J. 8 (1987) .
  • Chapters in Books

  • Evolution of Refugee and Asylum Law in the United States; in Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives 16 (S. Megan Berthold & Kathryn R. Libal eds.; Praeger 2019) .
  • Immigration Remedies and Procedural Rights of Migrant Children and Adolescents Childhood and Migration in Central and North America: Causes; Policies; Practices and Challenges Ch. 10 (U.C. Hastings Center for Gender and Refugee Studies 2015) .
  • The Evolving Refugee Definition: How Shifting Elements of Eligibility Affect the Nature and Focus of Expert Testimony in Asylum Proceedings African Asylum at a Crossroads: Activism; Expert Testimony; and Refugee Rights 75 (Benjamin Lawrance et al. eds.; Ohio Univ. Press; 2015) .
  • A Tale of Two Women: The Claims for Asylum of Fauziya Kassindja; Who Fled FGC; and Rody Alvarado; a Survivor of Partner (Domestic) Violence; in Gender in Refugee Law: From the Margins to the Centre 73 (Efrat Arbel et al. eds.; Routledge 2014) .
  • The Developing Jurisprudence of Gender-Based Claims; in 2 Immigration and Nationality Law Handbook 513 (Amer. Immigration Lawyers Ass’n 1997) (reprinted at 1021 PLI/Corp 291 (1997)).
  • Legal Issues for Refugee Women; in Women's Legal Guide 487 (Barbara R. Hauser & Julie A. Tigges eds.; Fulcrum Pub. 1996) .
  • Comparison of the Use of Social Groups in Canadian and United States Jurisprudence, in Immigration and Nationality Law: 47th Anniversary Symposium of the American Immigration Lawyers Association—Advanced Topics ___ (Am.Immigration Lawyers Ass’n 1993) .
  • Preparing a Case for Hearing in the Immigration Court, in Selected Writings: Immigration & Nationality Law in Transition 252 (Hope M.Frye ed., Am.Immigration Lawyers Ass’n 1990) .
  • Circumstances Under Which Prosecution Constitutes Persecution Within the Definition of the 1980 Refugee Act, in Immigration and Nationality Law: 42nd Anniversary Symposium of the American Immigration Lawyers Association—Advanced Topics 354 (Am.Immigration Lawyers Ass’n 1988) .
  • Book Reviews

  • Book Review, Law & Soc’y Rev. ( 2022) (reviewing REBECCA HAMLIN, CROSSING: HOW WE LABEL AND REACT TO PEOPLE ON THE MOVE (2021)) .
  • Newspaper & Magazine Articles

  • Biden’s border crackdown explained: A refugee law expert looks at the legality and impact of new asylum rule, The Conversation, Feb. 23, 2023.
  • Biden’s Embrace of Trump’s Transit Ban Violates US Legal and Moral Refugee Obligations, Just Security, Feb. 8, 2023.
  • Opinion: Now Trump’s cruel border policy is spreading in Canada, L.A. Times, Mar. 29, 2023.
  • Deploring the Violence; Abandoning the Victim, Just Security, Feb. 17, 2022 (with Anne Dutton & Mark Hetfield).
  • Asylum and the Three Little Words that Can Spell Life or Death, Just Security, 28-May 2021 (with Stephen Legomsky).
  • One Quick Asylum Fix: How Garland Can Help Domestic Violence Survivors, The Hill, 9-May 2021 (with Stephen Legomsky) .
  • The U.S. Isn’t Helpless. It Could Take in 150;000 Afghan Refugees, L.A. Times, Aug. 20, 2021 (Op-Ed).
  • Opinion: Restore Asylum for Women Fleeing Abuse and Death, L.A. Times, Nov. 22, 2019.
  • Opinion: Trump’s Senseless Cruelty Towards Evacuees from the Bahamas, L.A. Times, Sept. 13, 2019.
  • Her Husband Beat and Raped Her. Jeff Sessions Might Deport Her, N.Y. Times, 17-May 2018 (with Jane Fonda).
  • Time to End an Asylum Limbo for Abused Women, Washington Post, 18-Jul 2009 (with Esta Soler).
  • Recognizing Women’s Rights as Human Rights, 1 Perspectives, Spring 2008.
  • A Haven for the Abused, Legal Times, Sept. 18, 2006.
  • Commentary, Crushing A Chance at Freedom, 4 The Recorder, Sept. 25, 1996.
  • Commentary, A Refusal of Compassion for Refugees?, 6 The Recorder, Jan. 23, 1996.
  • Proposition 187: It’s Not the Solution, Et al., Fall/Winter 1995.
  • Miscellaneous

  • Childhood and Migration in Central and North America: Causes, Policies, Practices and Challenges, U.C. Law SF Center for Gender and Refugee Studies (2015) (Coordinated and Edited with Pablo Ceriani Cernadas).
  • Center for Gender & Refugee Studies: 2009 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, (2009) (with CGRS staff members and Y-Day Designs).
  • Center for Gender & Refugee Studies: 2008 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, (2008) (with CGRS staff members and Y–Day Designs).
  • Center for Gender &Refugee Studies: 2007 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF,  2007) (with CGRS staff members and Y-Day Designs).
  • Center for Gender & Refugee Studies: 2006 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, (2006) (with Stephen M. Knight & Richard A. Boswell).
  • Center for Gender & Refugee Studies: 2005 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, (2005) (with Stephen M. Knight & Richard A. Boswell).
  • Center for Gender & Refugee Studies: 2004 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, (2004) (with Stephen M. Knight & Richard A. Boswell).
  • The Expedited Removal Study: Evaluation of the General Accounting Office’s Second Report on Expedited Removal, Ctr. for Hum. Rts  & Int’l Just., U.C. College of Law SF , (2000) (with Lauren Gibson, Stephen Knight, &J.Edward Taylor).
  • The Expedited Removal Study: Report on the First Three Years of Implementation of Expedited Removal, Ctr. for Hum. Rts & Int’l Just., U.C. College of Law SF, (2000) (with Lauren Gibson, Stephen Knight & J. Edward Taylor) (reprinted at 15 Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Pub. Pol’y 1 (Special Issue 2001)).
  • The Expedited Removal Study: Report on the Second Year of Implementation of Expedited Removal, Ctr.for Hum.Rts &Int’l Just., U.C. College of Law SF, (1999) (with Lauren Gibson & J.Edward Taylor).
  • The Expedited Removal Study: Report on the First Year of Implementation of Expedited Removal, Int’l Hum.Rts.&Migration Proj., Markkula Ctr.for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara U., (1998) (with J.Edward Taylor & Nipa Rahim).
  • Chiapas: The Rebellion of the Excluded, Ecumenical Program on Cent.Am.&the Caribbean (1994) (co-author).
  • No Justice, No Peace: Accountability for Rape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia, Int’l Hum.Rts.Law Grp., (1993) (with Laurel Fletcher, Diane Orentlicher & Kathleen Pratt) (reprinted in 5 Hastings Women’s L.J.91 (1991)).