REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 5th ed., 2018 & Supp. 2021) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard A. Boswell).
REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 4th ed. 2011) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard A. Boswell) (with Teacher’s Manual).
REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 3d ed. 2007) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard Boswell).
REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 2d ed. 2002) (Supp. 2005) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard Boswell).
REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 5th ed.; 2018) (Supp. 2021) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard A. Boswell).
REFUGEE LAW AND POLICY: A COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL APPROACH (Carolina Academic Press 1997) (Supp. 2000) (with Jennifer Moore & Richard Boswell).
Journal Articles
With Fear, Favor, and Flawed Analysis: Decision-Making in U.S. Immigration Courts, 65 B.C. L. Rev. 2743 (2024)(with Anna O. Law, Annie Daher, Katherine M. Donato, and Chelsea Meiners).
Aligning United States Law with International Norms Would Remove Major Barriers to Protection in Gender Claims, 36 Int’l J. Refugee L. 20 (2024).
What Constitutes a High-Quality, Comprehensive Medico-Legal Asylum Affidavit in the United States Immigration Context? A Multi-Sectoral Consensus-Building Modified Delphi, 96 J. Forensic & Legal Med. (2023) (with Kathryn Hampton et al.).
The Legal and Moral Responsibility to Protect, 45 Fordham Int’l L.J. 751 (2022).
El Salvador: Root Causes and Just Asylum Policy Responses, 18 Hastings Race & Poverty L.J. 178 (2021).
The Struggle for Equality: Women’s Rights, Human Rights, and Asylum Protection, 48 Sw. L. Rev. 531 (2019).
El Salvador– A Peace Worse Than War: Violence, Gender and a Failed Legal Response, 30 Yale J.L. & Feminism 3 (2018).
Seeking a Rational Approach to a Regional Refugee Crisis: Lessons from the Summer 2014 ‘Surge’ of Central American Women and Children at the US-Mexico Border, 5 JMHS 137 (2017) (with Eunice Lee).
Link, SSRN
Health Impact of Human Rights Testimony: Harming the Most Vulnerable?, 1 BMJ Glob. Health 1 (July 2016) (with Susan M Meffert, Shonali Shome, Thomas C Neylan, Harvey V Fineberg, Molly M Cooke, Paul A Volberding, & Eric P Goosby).
Personal Violence, Public Matter: Evolving Standards in Gender-Based Asylum Law,, Harvard Int’l Rev. (2014).
Crimes Without Punishment: An Update on Violence Against Women and Impunity in Guatemala, 10 Hastings Race & Poverty L.J. 265 (2013) (with Blaine Bookey).
Link, SSRN
A Short History of Gender Asylum in the United States: Resistance and Ambivalence May Very Slowly be Inching Towards Recognition of Women’s Claims, 29(2) Refugee Surv. Q. 46 (2010).
Crimes Without Punishment: Violence Against Women in Guatemala, 21 Hastings Women’s L.J. 161 (2010) (with Elisabeth Pellegrin & Shawn Roberts).
The Role of Mental Health Professionals in Political Asylum Processing, 38 J Am Acad Psychiatry Law
J. Am.Acad. Psychiatry Law 479 (2010) (with Susan M. Meffert; Dale E. McNiel & Renée L Binder).
Feelings of Betrayal by the United States High Commissioner for Refugees and Emotionally Distressed Sudanese Refugees in Cairo, 26 Med. Conflict & Survival 160 (2010) (with Susan M. Meffert; Akram Osman Abdo; Omayma Ahmed Abd Alla; Yasir Omer Mustafa Elmakki; Afrah Abdelrahim Omer; Sahar Yousif; Thomas J. Metzler and Charles R. Marmard).
The Implementation of the One-Year Bar to Asylum, 31 Hastings Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 693 (2008) (with Marcelle Rice).
Protecting Victims of Gendered Persecution: Fear of Floodgates or Call to (Principled) Action?, 14 Va. J. Soc. Pol’y & L. 119 (2007) .
Panel One – Empowering Survivors with Legal-Status Challenges, 22 Berkeley J. Gender L. & Just. 304 (2007) .
Conscientious Objection as a Basis for Refugee Status: Protection for the Fundamental Right of Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion, 26(2) Refugee Surv. Q. 69 (2007) .
Link, SSRN
La Convencíon de 1951 sobre el Estatuto de la Persona Refugiada y la protección de las mujeres frente a las violaciones de sus derechos fundamentales, 8 Rev. Der. Migratorio y Extranjer 9 (2005) .
The One–Year Bar: Denying Protection to Bona Fide Refugees, Contrary to Congressional Intent and Violative of International Law, 2005 Immigr. Briefings 1 (2005) (with Leena Khandwala; Stephen Knight & Maria Anna K. Hreschyshyn).
Claims for Protection Based on Religion or Belief: Analysis and Proposed Conclusions, 16 Int’l J. Refugee L. 165 (2004) .
Asylum for Victims of Gender Violence: An Overview of the Law and an Analysis of 45 Unpublished Decisions, 2003 Immigr. Briefings 1 (2003) (with Stephen Knight).
Revisiting Social Group and Nexus in Gender Asylum Claims: A Unifying Rationale for Evolving Jurisprudence, 52 DePaul L. Rev. 777 (2003).
Revisiting Social Group and Nexus in Gender Asylum Claims: A Unifying Rationale for Evolving Jurisprudence, 52 DePaul L. Rev. 777 (2003) .
Steps Forward and Steps Back: Uneven Progress in the Law of Social Group and Gender-Based Claims in the United States, 13 Int’l J. Refugee L. 51 (2001) (with Stephen Knight).
Gender Jurisprudence in the United States: Developments in Asylum Laws Relating to the Protection of Women, 27 S.F. Att’y 25 (2001) .
Gender-Based Asylum: An Analysis of Recent Trends, 77 Interpreter Releases 1533 (2000) (with Stephen Knight).
Matter of R-A: An Analysis of the Decision and Its Implications, 76 Interpreter Releases 1177 (1999) .
In Re Fauziya Kasinga: Brief for the Respondent, 7 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Women’s Stud. 373 (1998) .
Ruminations on In Re Kasinga: The Decision’s Legacy, 7 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Women’s Stud. 357 (1998).
Credibility and Burden of Proof in Asylum Claims After the Board of Immigration Appeals' Four 1998 Decisions, 1080 PLI/Corp 277 (1998) .
Women Refugees: Does the United States Provide Adequate Protection?, 1 Inter Alia 48 (1996) .
In Re Kasinga: A Big Step Forward for Gender–Based Asylum Claims, 73 Interpreter Releases 853 (1996) .
Irreconcilable Differences? Divorcing Refugee Protections from Human Rights Norms, 15 Mich. J. Int’l L. 1179 (1994) .
Beating a Hasty Retreat, 5 Peace Rev. 293 (1993) .
Swords into Ploughshares: Why the United States Should Provide Refuge to Young Men Who Refuse to Bear Arms for Reasons of Conscience, 26 San Diego L. Rev. 849 (1989) .
Conscientious Objection to Military Service Accepted as Valid Basis of Claim to Political Asylum for Salvadoran Men, 10 Immigr. J. 8 (1987) .
Chapters in Books
Evolution of Refugee and Asylum Law in the United States; in Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives 16 (S. Megan Berthold & Kathryn R. Libal eds.; Praeger 2019) .
Immigration Remedies and Procedural Rights of Migrant Children and Adolescents Childhood and Migration in Central and North America: Causes; Policies; Practices and Challenges Ch. 10 (U.C. Hastings Center for Gender and Refugee Studies 2015) .
The Evolving Refugee Definition: How Shifting Elements of Eligibility Affect the Nature and Focus of Expert Testimony in Asylum Proceedings African Asylum at a Crossroads: Activism; Expert Testimony; and Refugee Rights 75 (Benjamin Lawrance et al. eds.; Ohio Univ. Press; 2015) .
A Tale of Two Women: The Claims for Asylum of Fauziya Kassindja; Who Fled FGC; and Rody Alvarado; a Survivor of Partner (Domestic) Violence; in Gender in Refugee Law: From the Margins to the Centre 73 (Efrat Arbel et al. eds.; Routledge 2014) .
The Developing Jurisprudence of Gender-Based Claims; in 2 Immigration and Nationality Law Handbook 513 (Amer. Immigration Lawyers Ass’n 1997) (reprinted at 1021 PLI/Corp 291 (1997)).
Legal Issues for Refugee Women; in Women's Legal Guide 487 (Barbara R. Hauser & Julie A. Tigges eds.; Fulcrum Pub. 1996) .
Comparison of the Use of Social Groups in Canadian and United States Jurisprudence, in Immigration and Nationality Law: 47th Anniversary Symposium of the American Immigration Lawyers Association—Advanced Topics ___ (Am.Immigration Lawyers Ass’n 1993) .
Preparing a Case for Hearing in the Immigration Court, in Selected Writings: Immigration & Nationality Law in Transition 252 (Hope M.Frye ed., Am.Immigration Lawyers Ass’n 1990) .
Circumstances Under Which Prosecution Constitutes Persecution Within the Definition of the 1980 Refugee Act, in Immigration and Nationality Law: 42nd Anniversary Symposium of the American Immigration Lawyers Association—Advanced Topics 354 (Am.Immigration Lawyers Ass’n 1988) .
Book Reviews
Book Review, Law & Soc’y Rev. ( 2022) (reviewing REBECCA HAMLIN, CROSSING: HOW WE LABEL AND REACT TO PEOPLE ON THE MOVE (2021)) .
Newspaper & Magazine Articles
Biden’s border crackdown explained: A refugee law expert looks at the legality and impact of new asylum rule, The Conversation, Feb. 23, 2023.
Biden’s Embrace of Trump’s Transit Ban Violates US Legal and Moral Refugee Obligations, Just Security, Feb. 8, 2023.
Opinion: Now Trump’s cruel border policy is spreading in Canada, L.A. Times, Mar. 29, 2023.
Deploring the Violence; Abandoning the Victim, Just Security, Feb. 17, 2022 (with Anne Dutton & Mark Hetfield).
Asylum and the Three Little Words that Can Spell Life or Death, Just Security, 28-May 2021 (with Stephen Legomsky).
One Quick Asylum Fix: How Garland Can Help Domestic Violence Survivors, The Hill, 9-May 2021 (with Stephen Legomsky) .
The U.S. Isn’t Helpless. It Could Take in 150;000 Afghan Refugees, L.A. Times, Aug. 20, 2021 (Op-Ed).
Opinion: Restore Asylum for Women Fleeing Abuse and Death, L.A. Times, Nov. 22, 2019.
Opinion: Trump’s Senseless Cruelty Towards Evacuees from the Bahamas, L.A. Times, Sept. 13, 2019.
Her Husband Beat and Raped Her. Jeff Sessions Might Deport Her, N.Y. Times, 17-May 2018 (with Jane Fonda).
Time to End an Asylum Limbo for Abused Women, Washington Post, 18-Jul 2009 (with Esta Soler).
Recognizing Women’s Rights as Human Rights, 1 Perspectives, Spring 2008.
A Haven for the Abused, Legal Times, Sept. 18, 2006.
Commentary, Crushing A Chance at Freedom, 4 The Recorder, Sept. 25, 1996.
Commentary, A Refusal of Compassion for Refugees?, 6 The Recorder, Jan. 23, 1996.
Proposition 187: It’s Not the Solution, Et al., Fall/Winter 1995.
Childhood and Migration in Central and North America: Causes, Policies, Practices and Challenges, U.C. Law SF Center for Gender and Refugee Studies (2015) (Coordinated and Edited with Pablo Ceriani Cernadas).
Center for Gender & Refugee Studies: 2009 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, (2009) (with CGRS staff members and Y-Day Designs).
Center for Gender & Refugee Studies: 2008 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, (2008) (with CGRS staff members and Y–Day Designs).
Center for Gender &Refugee Studies: 2007 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, 2007) (with CGRS staff members and Y-Day Designs).
Center for Gender & Refugee Studies: 2006 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, (2006) (with Stephen M. Knight & Richard A. Boswell).
Center for Gender & Refugee Studies: 2005 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, (2005) (with Stephen M. Knight & Richard A. Boswell).
Center for Gender & Refugee Studies: 2004 Annual Report, U.C. College of the Law SF, (2004) (with Stephen M. Knight & Richard A. Boswell).
The Expedited Removal Study: Evaluation of the General Accounting Office’s Second Report on Expedited Removal, Ctr. for Hum. Rts & Int’l Just., U.C. College of Law SF , (2000) (with Lauren Gibson, Stephen Knight, &J.Edward Taylor).
The Expedited Removal Study: Report on the First Three Years of Implementation of Expedited Removal, Ctr. for Hum. Rts & Int’l Just., U.C. College of Law SF, (2000) (with Lauren Gibson, Stephen Knight & J. Edward Taylor) (reprinted at 15 Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Pub. Pol’y 1 (Special Issue 2001)).
The Expedited Removal Study: Report on the Second Year of Implementation of Expedited Removal, Ctr.for Hum.Rts &Int’l Just., U.C. College of Law SF, (1999) (with Lauren Gibson & J.Edward Taylor).
The Expedited Removal Study: Report on the First Year of Implementation of Expedited Removal, Int’l Hum.Rts.&Migration Proj., Markkula Ctr.for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara U., (1998) (with J.Edward Taylor & Nipa Rahim).
Chiapas: The Rebellion of the Excluded, Ecumenical Program on Cent.Am.&the Caribbean (1994) (co-author).
No Justice, No Peace: Accountability for Rape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia, Int’l Hum.Rts.Law Grp., (1993) (with Laurel Fletcher, Diane Orentlicher & Kathleen Pratt) (reprinted in 5 Hastings Women’s L.J.91 (1991)).