Class Agent Program

Class Agent Program

The UC Law San Francisco Class Agent initiative is a volunteer program designed to activate and engage a broader section of our community through peer-to-peer outreach. Class Agents, representing their individual class years, aim to build strong connections between alumni, classmates, and the College.
Class Agents accomplish this via regular communications which will focus on the following key areas:
  • Informational (e.g., news stories and other newsworthy items related to the College).
  • Events (e.g., information about upcoming events and other engagement opportunities, and encouraging attendance).
  • Supporting UC Law SF (e.g., volunteer and philanthropic).
  • Resources for Stakeholders (e.g., online networking platform, regional alumni chapters, and affinity groups).
Class Agents will serve a term of 1-2 years each. If you are interested in participating in the Class Agent Program, please email Briana Meadows at