Robin Feldman

Arthur J. Goldberg Distinguished Professor of Law, Albert Abramson ’54 Distinguished Professor of Law Chair, and Director of the Center for Innovation

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Professor Feldman testifying before House Committee on Energy & Commerce.

Professor Feldman testifying before the House Committee on Energy & Commerce.

Robin Feldman is the Arthur J. Goldberg Distinguished Professor of Law at UC Law SF. She is Founder and Director of the UC Law SF Center for Innovation (C4i), of its flagship program, Startup Legal Garage, and of the AI Law & Innovation Institute. Feldman is also a member of the Forbes Technology Council. She received her JD from Stanford Law School, where she graduated Order of the Coif and was awarded the institution’s honor for graduating second in the class

Feldman is an award-winning scholar who has authored 4 books and more than 80 articles in law journals including at Harvard, Yale, and Stanford as well as in the American Economic Review, the New England Journal of Medicine, and various science journals. Her books, Drugs, Money, & Secret Handshakes: The Unstoppable Growth of Prescription Drug Prices (Cambridge 2019) and Drug Wars: How Big Pharma Raises Prices & Keeps Generics Off the Market (Cambridge 2017), have been influential and well-lauded. Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler called Drugs, Money, & Secret Handshakes, “The book the pharmaceutical industry does not want you to read,” and the chief editor of Outsourced Pharma described it as “one hundred power-packed pages of rich data and sober analysis.”

Image of cover of Drugs, Money, and Secret Handshakes

Feldman provides technical advice and testimony to congressional committees and government agencies on various intellectual property and innovation topics, responding to 50 such requests last year. She is frequently in the public eye, having given more than 750 press interviews over the past decade. Her areas of emphasis include Law and Medicine, Law and AI, and Competition.

Law and Medicine

Feldman is a leading expert in the complex legal intersections of intellectual property, health, and medicine. Her key works on the intersection of Law and Medicine include:

Law and AI

Professor Feldman has published academic work on AI since 2004 and provided technical advice to government on AI since 2017:

  • Various Congressional Committees and state officials (technical advice on AI regulation)
  • Army Cyber Institute (threat casting exercise)
  • GAO (report to Congress on the future of AI)
  • Federal Trade Commission (hearing on emerging competition, innovation, and market structure related to AI)
  • US Patent & Trademark Office (session on patents & AI inventorship)
  • National Academies (workshop on AI and machine learning to accelerate translational research & workshop on Robotics & AI)

On the research side, her works on Law and AI include:


Feldman’s article Atomistic Antitrust (William & Mary Law Review) with Mark Lemley, won two awards in 2023, the year after it was published:

  • Best Academic Article (General Antitrust)
    2023 Antitrust Writing Awards
  • Best Antitrust Article of 2022 on Burdens of Proof
    Jerry S. Cohen Award for Antitrust Scholarship

Other works on competition include:


  • Stanford Law School
    J.D., Law

  • Stanford University
    B.A., Undergraduate Studies


  • Antitrust Writing Award
    Won "Best Academic Article, General Antitrust" for the article Atomistic Antitrust (with Mark Lemley)

  • Jerry S. Cohen Award for Antitrust Scholarship
    Won "Best Antitrust Article of 2022 on Burdens of Proof" for the article Atomistic Antitrust (with Mark Lemley)

  • Leon I. Goldberg Memorial Lecture Award
    Bestowed by the University of Chicago’s Committee on Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenomics, for Feldman's "seminal" and "consistently high impact" work in pharmaceutical policy and law.

  • Women Leaders in Law & Technology
    Honored by the American Lawyer Publications as one of the Women Leaders in Law & Technology.

  • Visionary Award
    Presented in 2012 by the UC Law SF Board of Directors for founding the Innovation Law Clinics and the Law & Bioscience Project.

  • Elected Member, ALI
    Elected to the American Law Institute; Appointed as advisor to the ALI's Restatement of Copyright Project

  • William Rutter Award for Excellence in Teaching
    Awarded by the University of California at Hastings.

  • 1066 Foundation Award for Scholarship
    Awarded by the University of California at Hastings.

Selected Scholarship

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