Resources for Current Students
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Academic Support Resources
We serve every student by providing personalized academic advising, access to online academic skills resources, and individualized support. Our mission is to create a cohesive academic support network and advance academic skills instruction across the curriculum to maximize our students’ academic success in law school and beyond. Current students may access any of the resources below at Sharknet.
Please visit the OASIS Academic Support page to schedule an appointment.
The Legal Writing Resource Center supports UC Law SF students as they strive to become strong legal writers. Through interactive, individual conferences, the LWRC provides students with feedback on legal writing and editing. The LWRC’s primary focus is on writing skills, such as grammar, syntax, and citation. The LWRC also offers handouts and occasional workshops on a range of writing topics. Please visit the Legal Writing Resource Center (LWRC) on Sharknet for guides and to book an appointment.
The Academic Planning and Advising site on Sharknet provides self-help resources for academic planning, including support picking upper-level courses and information regarding resources available at UC Law SF.
Carbon health is offering the COVID Positive Care program to UC Law SF students who test positive. Under the program, clinicians regularly monitor patients, help to manage symptoms, and address any complications as early as possible. Monitoring and early intervention is proven to reduce exacerbations and the risk of hospitalization and potential long term effects from COVID.
The Disability Resource Program (DRP) is committed to ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity for success.
The Office of the Registrar maintains registration, academic records, examinations, degree audits, transferred credits, transcript requests, letters of good standing, and enrollment verification. For up-to-date class information, please visit Self-Service. Visit the Office of the Registrar’s intranet page for guides on how to use Self-Service. Your Self-Service User ID and Password are the same as for your College of Law Outlook email. If you need password assistance, please contact Help Desk to have your password reset.
The Bar Passage Support Program holds bar related programming throughout the academic year and during bar review. Please visit the Bar Passage Support Resources site on Sharknet to learn more or click on the links below.
- California State Bar Admission Requirements
- California Bar Exam Overview
- Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE)
- Bar Success FAQs
- Accommodations on the Bar Exam and the MPRE
- UC Law SF Courses that Reinforce Legal Analysis, Exam Writing, and Bar Test-Taking Skills
- UC Law SF Bar Passage Support Programs & Workshops
- Free Supplemental Bar Support Resources for UC Law SF Graduates
- Should I Consider Taking the Bar Exam in Another Jurisdiction?
- Financial Resources for Bar Study
- Commercial Bar Prep Courses
2L and 3L Students who are not receiving merit based scholarships may apply for need-based grants. Need eligibility is determined by the College based on information provided in the required FAFSA and UC Law SF Financial Aid Supplement and proof of having borrowed money from a third party to pay for at least part of the cost of attendance at UC Law SF during the year in which the grant is applied. Need-based grant amounts for all recipients may vary from year to year based on budgetary conditions.
Visit the Financial Aid Checklist and FAQ page on our website, or the Financial Aid site on Sharknet.
The UC Law SF Library, located on the fourth and fifth floors of Mary Kay Kane Hall, supports the research and educational endeavors of the students and faculty of the UC College of the Law, San Francisco.
- Library Catalog: The UC Law SF Library Catalog is our search engine for finding books and journals in the UC Law SF Library.
- WorldCat: Connects library users to books at UC Law SF and libraries around the world, as well as records of journal articles, e-books, licensed databases, online periodicals and collections of digital items. Connect to WorldCat to make Interlibrary Loan Requests for items not available through the UC Law SF Library Catalog. Log in to ILLiad to check on the status of your Interlibrary Loan Requests.
- Research Guides: Subject- and course-specific research guides prepared by UC Law SF research librarians.
- Certificate in Legal Research Program: The Certificate in Legal Research Program is designed to provide law students of all ability levels with the research tools necessary for success in internships, externships, summer associate positions, etc. Attend live “lunch and learns” and complete online quizzes to earn a notation of completion on your transcript.
- Non-GPA, for-credit advanced legal research courses are taught each semester, both in person and online. Consult Self-Service for details.
- A-Z Databases: List of research databases to which the library subscribes, as well as free research resources available online.
- Exams Database: an archive of past exams and some model answers.
- CALI Authorization Code | CALI Registration Page | CALI Lessons
A full menu of career resources, including how to find the right job, when to start looking, resume, cover letter and interviewing tips, how to network, how to apply for judicial clerkships, and career resources for international students are all available from our Career Development Office site on Sharknet or watch career office tip videos and panels on our YouTube Channel.

Student Orgs and Journals
UC Law SF is home to multiple student organizations, journals, and teams – and they make up the lifeblood of student life on campus.
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Global Programs and Study Abroad
The Study Abroad Program at UC Law SF provides students with an opportunity to experience another legal system and legal culture firsthand.
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Clinical Programs
UC Law SF offers 16 different clinics that develop students’ skills in the full range of lawyering realms.
Learn MoreUpcoming Events for Students
The State of Progressive Politics: ACS Presents Joan Williams
Book talk with Professor Joan Williams re: her upcoming release ‘Outclassed: How the Left Lost the Working Class – And How to Win Them Back (forthcoming St. Martin’s, May 2025)’ […]
The Ethical Negotiator: Mediation, Confidentiality & Settlement Risks
Ethical pitfalls in mediation and settlement negotiations can have lasting consequences for attorneys and their clients. This MCLE webinar brings together retired Judge and mediator Steve Austin, mediator and UC […]
The Center for East Asian Legal Studies proudly presents: America’s Legal Gambit to Curb China’s Technological Rise
e The Center for East Asian Legal Studies (CEALS) proudly presents: Abstract: In this talk, I will pose the provocative question of whether America is now acting like China […]