Law Empowerment and Access Project General Body Meeting
LEAP hopes you can join us for our Spring GBM!…
LEAP hopes you can join us for our Spring GBM!…
Gunderson will be hosting a panel to introduce students to corporate law, and ECVC in particular! Lunch will be provided.
Black tie networking event with open bar for attorneys and students on the skydeck.
AAJ Affiliated attorney, Lori Andrus, to come and present information about AAJ (American Association for Justice).
Happy hour for networking with attorney members of the ACS Bay Area chapter.
A chance for SALSA members to network with SABA and firms.
Book talk with Professor Joan Williams re: her upcoming release ‘Outclassed: How the Left Lost the Working Class – And How to Win Them Back (forthcoming St. Martin’s, May 2025)’ and her prior work ‘White Working Class.’…
SDR will be hosting a community discussion regarding student health.